Chapter 44

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First of all, I wanted to thank everyone of you who read my last chapter or leave all the positive comments. I never expect it to have such a huge response and the result surprised me! I really appreciate each and every comment all of you had left and will cherish it dearly

And I wanted to tell you, don't worry about me as I'm already ok. Now go on and help other people who need help more than me. I'm sure they will appreciate it too <3


He lost.

The opponent of Takumi Aldini--Mimasaka Subaru--bellowed with a shameless triumph as he held the prize up. It is none other than the mezzaluna Takumi betted. His maniacal laughter echoed through the stadium while the audience wore an expression of disbelief, they knew they couldn't do anything at the moment all five judges wrote the same name, frustratedly.

The unfair match ended with an expected result (where everyone hoped it would turned out unexpected). It is obvious to anyone as soon as Mimasaka revealed the ingredients or the steps he would've done, and he nailed it. It took no time for Takumi's fan club or other audience to stood up for the blonde and demanded to declare his action in this shokugeki as a foul. However, it obviously won't happen as this rule is not in the regulations of the Shokugeki.

"Obvious result." The ninth seat, Eizan Etsuya scoffed, ignoring the howls of defend from the audience. He ignored the glare sent by Yukihira Haru, who stood beside him to get a better view of the shokugeki and who he isn't able to shoo away.

"Shut up." She murmured with an annoyed tone but he shrugged it off and stepped on to the stage to silence the students, as the director himself had stated that the shokugeki had decided the results. She didn't hear a word from the ninth-bastard-seat as her gaze was fixated on the lifeless blonde who walked pass her, without an eye contact.

"I'm sorry." He apologized quietly and dragged his feet out of the hall. Haru frowned painfully at his state but knew she couldn't do anything to cheer him up, since she is bad at talking and all. She could only gaze at his back that became smaller and smaller until it vanished.

Heaving a helpless sigh, the redhead trotted out and met up with her dorm mates, who are also disturbed by the unfair match just now. She noticed that her brother wasn't talking during the whole conversation and decided to go back to the dorm. She silently followed back, ignoring the calls of her friends that are surprised by their nonchalant attitude. The two Yukihira's shared a look as they knew what's inside each others' mind and jogged back to their destination, of course, with their mates still nagging at them.

Before Soma could open the door to his room, Haru took a quick step in front of the wooden piece and turned her head around.

"He's in there." Without specifying who, she pushed the unlocked door and revealed the stalker who won the shokugeki just now. While others were shrieking by the fact that Mimasaka could replicate a spare key and enter their room with ease, the twins face him while wearing an emotionless expression.

Soma first served him the dish he made and then shoo everyone out of his room so he would have a great talk with that big guy.

"I'll stay here." Haru said calmly, but as her twin, he certainly knew she was boiling with anger inside, but not showing a tint of rage on the outside. It took him quite a while to see through her that easily at the past as hiding emotions was her game, but he beat it years ago and could now read her feelings without any effort. Soma admitted that he was somehow terrified by her when they're small, because you could never know if she's going to tell a joke, or punch you in the face.

"Kay." He nodded his head and shot her a look that told her to calm down. What he received was a sharp glare which shut him up, but nonetheless, she still took a deep breath before closing the door and sat down.

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