Chapter 39

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Before starting this chapter, just prepare for some foreign words coming, mostly Italian. So, if there's any Italians (or people who learned Italian) here, I'm sorry if I use the wrong words or phrases. Please do comment the correct way of saying if I'm wrong!

P/S: I'll prepare the translation, don't worry :)



After finishing all the procedure in the airport, Takumi lead Haru to the exit and explained to her about the city he was born. She knew that both of the twins are from Florence, the capital city of Tuscany, but she knew not much about it. The redhead was astonished by the description and introduction he gave thus making her look forward to the place more than ever.

"Zio! (Uncle)" The blonde exclaimed in Italian at the moment he met a black haired man, who is standing there with a warm smile.

"Ben tornato, mi sei mancato. (Welcome back, I've missed you.)" The man who appears to be Takumi's uncle welcomed him back and noticed the female standing beside him, smiling gently.

"Chi è lei? (Who is she?)" The uncle asked while staring at her.

"Haru." Takumi gestured the Yukihira to step forward as she did. "This is my uncle." He said.

"Zio, la mia amica. (Uncle, my friend.)" He continued as the blackett raised his eyebrows.

"Non la tua ragazza? (Not your girlfriend?)" A sly smile crept upon his lips as a red hue appeared on the blonde's cheek.

"No! (No!)" He defended himself while the adult laughed heartily and faced Haru.

"Lei come si chiama, bella? (What's your name, beautiful?)" He asked.

"Ah, zio" Takumi was about to explain Haru's inability to speak Italian but was cut off by her.

"Buongiorno signore, mi chiamo Yukihira Haru. Vengo dal Giappone, piacere di conoscerla. (Good day uncle, my name is Yukihira Haru. I'm from Japan, pleased to meet you.)" The redhead bowed down slightly and spoke, surprising both the Italians.

"You spoke Italian?" Takumi exclaimed and looked at her with wide eyes.

"Well I had to learn since me and my brother always get foreign calls in our restaurant." She explained.

"Parli molto bene l'italiano? (You speak italian very well?)" The uncle of Takumi questioned with shock.

"No, non parlo molto bene italiano. Solo un po'. (No, I don't speak Italian very well. Just a little)" Haru answered while the blonde stared at her helplessly.

"Parli bennismo l'italiano. (Your Italian is excellent.)" Uncle praised genuinely and earned a grateful smile.

"Grazie mille. (Thank you very much.)" She said.

"You have an interesting friend, Takumi. Nice to meet you, Haru. I spoke your language too." He chuckled and nodded his head, gesturing both the teens into his car.

"That's nice to know." She replied and heaved a relief sigh.

"Wait, when did you get a car?" Takumi questioned. In his memory, his uncle or his family never owned a car as they rarely used it. They can bought any ingredients for their recipe from walking.

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