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One thing that neither Makki or Mattsun nor Oikawa told him was when the fuck did he have to wake up?

Usually work hours start at around 8 AM, but this was a different kind of job, it required a lot more. Usually in the movies maids and butlers wake up first and make breakfast, did Iwaizumi also have to do that?

This was what Iwaizumi wondered when he woke up at 6 AM and couldn't decide whether or not he should go back to sleep.

He decided on not taking a nap, which would probably end up with him sleeping for 12 more hours. He crawled out of his bed, which was oddly comfy and stretched, a weird noise escaped his mouth and he was so glad that no one was around him.

The room that he was given was bigger than his whole apartment that he used to have, he even had his own bathroom, which unfortunately did not have an actual bath. There were two windows, a window seat (for "romantic evenings" as Makki said), a table and a chair, a closet and a counter. It was pretty empty, but Oikawa said that he can do anything he wants to that room as long as it's not stuffing dead bodies into walls.

He took his towel and some clean clothes, before sneaking upstairs into the bathroom which had a bath. Since it was only 6 AM he took his time relaxing in the bath before stepping out and drying himself off.

Once he was in his clean clothes aka a new suit (blazer not included) he walked out and bumped into someone.

"Iwaizumi, you're up already?" Makki asked as he looked at the taller male who smelt of strawberries and manliness if he's being honest, it was the first time when Makki actually thought that strawberry smell was manly.

"Good morning Hanamaki. I didn't know when to wake up since no one told me" Iwaizumi said and greeted him.

"Sorry! You're work hours start at 7:30 AM, breakfast and such. Sorry for not telling you" Makki started apologizing, he felt Iwaizumi put his hand on his shoulder.

"It's fine, I'm used to waking up early. Since I used to volunteer in an animal shelter I had to wake up early and walk the dogs. It was fun, I wonder how they're doing. Why are you up though?" Iwaizumi smiled.

"I woke up early because I needed to finish some papers that I kinda forgot yesterday. If you could.. A coffee would be great.." Makki said, he wasn't sure if he had the right to ask Iwaizumi for something, but he nodded and both of them walked downstairs.

Iwaizumi took two cups and added some coffee, sugar, waited till the water was boiling and poured it into the cups, it was his morning routine after all. He handed Makki the cup, he was busy looking at papers, from what Iwaizumi understood it had something to do with a new collection and Miko's show.

"Thank you so much. I swear to God these papers will be the end of me. Mattsun takes care of Oikawa's papers, but he only reads them and has them signed. I take care of Miko's papers and it's the most troublesome thing ever" Makki complained as he sipped on his coffee, it was sweet.

"You and Matsukawa were glaring at her all evening yesterday. Is there a reason for that?" Iwaizumi asked as he sat down in front of the him, noticing that he was wearing a floral button-up shirt. It suit him a lot.

"Miko is... She's not a good person. Oikawa seems to be blinded by her beauty because that's the only thing he sees. She seduced him, went after his money and his house. I heard her talking shit about Oikawa once, but he didn't believe me.. He almost fired me, thank god Mattsun saved me" Makki ranted, he was clearly disgusted.

"A golddigger, huh? Yeah, girls like that are the lowest." Iwaizumi sighed.

"Don't ever find a girl like that Iwaizumi. I have faith in you" Makki said as he pushed the papers aside, exhaling once he realized that he finished the work.

𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲, 𝐢 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐢'𝐦 𝐠𝐚𝐲 ||𝐢𝐰𝐚𝐨𝐢||𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐚||Where stories live. Discover now