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"So basically, this one time I ate a pizza completely naked while skateboarding. It was a wild night" Makki laughed, but that laughter soon turned into terror as Iwaizumi threw a book at him.

"You broke my lock just to tell me this stupid ass story? I will literally kill you" Iwaizumi said in an angry tone as he stood up. It was 08:37 in the morning and Makki was already annoying him.

"Listen, I'm trying to get away from the fact that I might have accidentally hired an assassin to kill me, I'm just tryin' to live" Makki sighed loudly, moments after Mattsun busted into the room scaring the living shit out of Makki.

"Guys guess what!" he yelled the moment he stepped foot into Iwaizumi's private space.

"Do you want to die? Because I can arrange that. I have a frying pan and I'm not afraid to use it" Iwaizumi cracked his knuckles.

"Miko is going away somewhere! I overheard her on the phone" Mattsun grabbed Iwaizumi's laptop off the table and sat down onto his bed as if it was the most casual thing ever.

"I'm giving you both five seconds to get out of my room before I kick you into another universe where Makki can't talk and Mattsun is practically homeless" Iwaizumi said and he wasn't messing around. (y'all I'm hinting something)

"More like hoeles--" Makki was interrupted by Iwaizumi who stood up and grabbed a book off the shelf. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban to be more precise.

"GET OUT!" he yelled. Makki and Mattsun flew out of the room faster than Trump denies being a white supremacist.

"Jeez, he sure woke up on the wrong side of the bed" Mattsun said as he fixed his shirt. "Back to Miko, if she leaves - we can proceed with the second part of our master plan"

"Hell yes. The sooner Iwaizumi and Oikawa get together, the better it is. Let's do it before Christmas. Oh, and this tie really suits you" Makki said as he noticed Mattsun wearing a new dark blue tie with tiny blueberries.

"Awh, thank you. I love you~" Mattsun pinched Hanamaki's cheeks.

"I love me too" Makki suddenly said and Mattsun froze in his stance. "You're not bad too though"

Mattsun would have said something if not footsteps coming from upstairs. Oikawa appeared seconds later, his facial expression wasn't the best.

"Hey, is everything okay?" Mattsun asked and Oikawa simply gave him a death glare. "Sometimes I wish I never applied to work for you"

"Say, Mattsun, why do you work here anyway?" Oikawa asked as he struggled to find instant coffee that Makki hid somewhere in his bag.

"I'm a gentleman, I enjoy the finer things in life" Matsukawa faked some foreign accent and raised his eyebrow.

"What, so crying over Spanish soap operas with a bucket of icecream at 3 AM is refined now?" Makki asked and Oikawa nearly choked on his own spit. Soon he'll be choking on something bigg---. :).

"Fucking snitch" Mattsun turned around and stomped back to Iwaizumi's room, from the muffled sounds that came out of it the other two could understand that:

1. Either Mattsun fake cried and hid under Iwaizumi's blankets.

2. Or he hid in the bathroom and Iwaizumi was asking him to come out while gradually becoming angrier.

Either way Mattsun is a dumb idiot and we can all relate.

"Is Miko going somewhere?" Makki asked as he sat down next to Oikawa.

𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲, 𝐢 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐢'𝐦 𝐠𝐚𝐲 ||𝐢𝐰𝐚𝐨𝐢||𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐚||Where stories live. Discover now