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Around 2 minutes ago in the kitchen...

"Duuuude, I'm so bored. I know we're gonna watch a movie, but there's nothing to do now" Mattsun groaned, he yawned for the 6th time in three minutes and rested his head on the table.

"Should we invite Oikawa? He said something about reading a book, Miko is probably sleeping, we could invite him to watch movies with us" Iwaizumi suddenly suggested, he had just finished cleaning the kitchen and was already trying to figure out what to make the next day.

"Yes, totally. If he stays in the room with that snake, he's gonna die" Makki said.

"Okay, I'll go call him. You guys order something, okay? Ask the driver to get some MacDonalds. I want two cheeseburgers, a large cola and large fries" Iwaizumi said and took off his now a bit dirty apron off.

"Okay, go get 'im tiger!" Makki cheered for Iwaizumi who glared at him before going upstairs. One tiny mistake that he did - he thought that Miko would definitely be sleeping and opening the door to their bedroom would be completely safe.

"Hey, Oikawa, I was wonde---" Iwaizumi was met by the view that kinda made him wanna throw up. He didn't expect to see Miko on him, they weren't doing that much, but it still grossed him out. "Sorry, my mistake"

Iwaizumi shut the door and got downstairs faster than a gepard on adrenaline.

"Oh, you were fast, where's Oikawa?"  Makki asked, he had just finished telling the driver what to order, Mattsun went with him.

"It looks like Oikawa and Miko were busy doing something.. It's kind of disappointing" Iwaizumi sighed and sat down on the chair next to Makki.

"What? Why?" Makki felt a spark of hope inside of him.

"I don't know, just kinda hoped Oikawa would be...interested in men more, maybe it was only because he hadn't been with a woman for a long time" Iwaizumi couldn't help but feel a bit sad, just when he thought this his and Oikawa's relationship was going somewhere.

"I don't think that is the case, I think it's something else. Don't be so down, buddy" Makki patted Iwaizumi's shoulder.

"Well, at least I got an idea for a meal tomorrow. I'm gonna make something I don't like to express my opinion towards the view that I saw" Iwaizumi sighed again and stood up.

"What are you going to make? And don't say pizza with pineapple, I know that everybody hates it, but it's still a bit good to me" Makki remembered that one time when he asked for a Hawaiian pizza but got a cheese one instead with an apology letter that said "sorry, couldn't bring myself to put pineapple on it"

"Nah, I'm gonna make a turkey. I don't like them, so.." Iwaizumi said and started writing down the list for things that he would need.

"Okay, whatever you say. Just remember that not cooking a turkey properly is like fucking Miko, it's never wet. Make sure it's juicy" Makki gave Iwaizumi a piece of advise, hearing Iwaizumi laugh made him feel a bit better about himself.

"I'm home! Let's go watch those movies" Mattsun said as he walked into the house with bags full of food.

"Okay, no need to be loud" Iwaizumi said, Mattsun immediately noticed his weird mood, it took him and Makki a few glances to figure what was going on.

The movie was rather boring and soon Makki and Mattsun started doing god knows what in order to distract themselves.

"Why are there fries on the floor?" Mattsun asked as he picked up a couple of fries off the floor and proceeded to put them in his mouth, he saw Iwaizumi cleaning the house earlier, he was sure that the floor was clean .

"Dude, those french fries have been in my nose" Makki said and watched as Mattsun spit them out.

"Guys.. Let's just watch the movie" Iwaizumi yawned.

Unfortunately, the movie was so boring that the trio fell asleep quickly. They only woke up when Iwaizumi's phone started ringing.

"Ugh.. Time for work" Iwaizumi stood up, since both Makki and Mattsun were resting their heads in his shoulders, him standing up caused their heads to collide and they both started cursing.

"Guys wake up" Iwaizumi went to the bathroom to wash up. Showering made him think about a lot of things, one of which was Oikawa. He was really starting to hope that those kisses meant something, but he walked in on him and his girlfriend last night, so clearly it meant nothing to him.

He walked out and found Makki sitting in the kitchen.

"Ah, the movie was so boring, who even picked it out?" Iwaizumi asked.

"Mattsun did.. Damn him.." Makki continued on drinking his orange juice. Suddenly Mattsun walked into the room with a weird outfit.

"Hey... Want some dick?" Mattsun asked out of nowhere.

"He's just trying to feed his family man. I'll take two" Makki said and stood up.

"God bless you man" Mattsun started unbuttoning his jeans.

"Guys,if you're gonna act like this from an early morning, leave. Your jokes aren't funny to me" Iwaizumi sighed and continued on making himself coffee.

"My life is a joke anyway" Makki said in a completely serious tone.

"Ah.. Whatever.." Iwaizumi turned around and continued on doing his things until he heard someone walking downstairs, he prayed that it wouldn't be Miko.

"Goodmorning guys" he heard Oikawa say.

"Iwaizumi.. Come with me, we have to talk about some work related things" Oikawa said as he walked into the kitchen. Iwaizumi could clearly see that Oikawa was flustered.

"Okay, let's go"






Sorry for this boring filler, I just need to get all my stories into right places aka finish most of them


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