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"Should we play that song that plays at someone's funeral when Oikawa's parents come in?" Makki suggested as he watched how Iwaizumi took of his apron.

"I wouldn't mind, but Oikawa will be against it. You know, parents are parents. Can't choose what parents you'll have" Iwaizumi sighed loudly as he looked at his masterpieces.

"Pour poison on Miko's salad" Makki suddenly said without any emotion, as if he had planned poisoning her many times already... Did he? Or didn't he?

"She might figure out and switch plates. Then again she might figure out that we put poison and that she would switch plates, then she would immediately sit down in Oikawa's place. Actually no, Oikawa is her source of income.." Mattsun started theorizing.

"Guys, we can talk about conspiracy theories and murder plans later, for now let me do my job and then we will quietly go to my room and talk about things" Iwaizumi finished making everything and smiled to himself, cooking really is his passion.

The trio heard the doorbell ring and before they could react Oikawa was already downstairs. He fixed his tie and went to open the door.

"Tooru, finally! We missed you so much!" his mother said and hugged him. Oikawa's father followed her into the mansion, not speaking a word.

"Where's Miko? Is she home?" she asked and looked around, probably surprised at how clean the place was.

"Yeah, she's upstairs getting ready. While she's doing that let me introduce you to my assistants and our butler" Oikawa faked a smile. At this exact moment Iwaizumi choked on his coffee, he didn't want to meet his parents.

Oikawa walked into the kitchen with the most apologetic smile on his face, he didn't expect to see three guys glaring at him. If looks could kill, Oikawa would be majorly injured.

"This is Matsukawa Issei and Hanamaki Takahiro. They are my most treasured assistants. They are two very serious and hardworking people. Matsukawa, Hanamaki.. This is my mother Oikawa Kamiko. My father, Oikawa Masato, is in the living room" Tooru introduced his mother to them. Iwaizumi, meanwhile, was trying to hide his laughter because those two were definitely not "serious" people.

"Nice to meet you" Kamiko said, she seemed like a nice old lady, but they knew damn sure how annoying she actually was.

"And this is Iwaizumi Hajime, my butler" Oikawa stepped closer to Iwaizumi, a smile crept onto his lips as he felt Iwaizumi sneakily put his hand on his lower back.

After the introductions were done and Iwaizumi finished putting everything on the table in the dining room, the trio were left to do whatever they wanted to do.

"So.. I expect to hear Oikawa shouting something" Mattsun said as he kicked the door to Iwaizumi's room open.

"Respect my room, Mattsun. Because if you kick my door again, I'll kick you in the face" Iwaizumi sighed loudly.

"Kick me in the face and I'll thank you" Makki said making both Iwaizumi and Mattsun look at him with the most disappointing looks on their faces.

"Mattsun, how do you deal with him?" Iwaizumi asked as he put his hand on Mattsun's shoulder.

"I don't know.. I think my soul left my body a long time ago because of him" Mattsun said.

"Don't say that~ you know you love me" Makki jumped around trying to get rid of uneasy tension in the room.

Meanwhile Oikawa was having one of the most difficult and annoying dinners of his life. So annoying that he considered stabbing himself with his fork just so he wouldn't have to listen to his mother's constant rambling.

"Miko, honey, how are you these days? Is Tooru treating you well?" Kamiko asked as she looked at Miko.

"Of course he is! Spoiling me as always. I can't wait till we set a wedding date!" Miko said, Oikawa could hear the fake excitement in her voice.

"Speaking of that, Tooru when are you gonna start properly planning? You should start soon, it's been too long. You have been engaged for six months already" his mother ranted, his father only nodded.

"Mother, I am extremely busy with work" Tooru tried to think of an excuse, but it was hard to just think of something on the spot.

"Didn't you take a break when I went to Madrid? I thought you planned" Miko worsened the situation.

"Tooru! You took a break and didn't plan anything?! How could you?" his mother exclaimed.

"Am I not allowed to take a break? I work my ass off everyday, I deserve to take a break once in a while" Tooru was getting really mad and he was afraid of what would happen if he got even more angry.

"Miko should be your top priority, Tooru! I want you to start planning as soon as possible! Your father and I are already getting old, I want grandchildren. Miko is an amazing girl, how can you just put it off for so long?" his mother continued on with her rant. Tooru sighed loudly trying to contain himself.

"It's my life and you don't have any control of it! If I want, I won't marry Miko. You have no right to tell me what I have to do!" Tooru finally snapped.

"How dare you speak to your mother like that?! You will marry Miko and that's it!" Kamiko yelled making Tooru stand up and walk away from the table.

Tooru went straight into Iwaizumi's room and locked the door behind him.

"Mattsun, Makki you owe me ten bucks each" Iwaizumi smirked.

"I can't fucking be there. I'm a grown man, how dare they tell me what to do?" Tooru said as he slid down the door and sat down on the ground.

Iwaizumi walked over to him and pulled him into a hug.

"I don't usually support people who aren't nice to their parents, but you did the right thing. She has no control over your life. You are the independent Oikawa Tooru, remember that"







. .
Sorry it took so long. I'm on writer's block, plus I'm dealing with personal issues so.
Anyway, hope you enjoyed!

Let's do this. Every one suggest 5 key words for the next chapter! I'll choose one or two of your answers and the next chapter will be based on them!


P.S thank you for 90k reads!

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