Return to the Land of Waves

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Night had begun to fall. I could hear the crows caw and feel the steady drop in temperature. I sat on my knees hunched over, my fingers racking back and forth along the earth. I didn't take notice of the moisture building up in my eyes nor did I notice the blood seeping out from under my nails when I mistakenly clawed at stone. The clenching of my heart in my chest was the only thing preventing me from feeling completely numb. I wanted to feel anger, guilt, sorrow - anything would be enough to ensure me I was still alive. I had felt the prickling on my ear, a tell-tail sign one of my marks had disappeared. I would have been worried if not for the mark taking away such emotions.

I continued to dig, not stopping even when I felt something heavy being draped over my shoulders and my body being gently pulled back into a warm chest. Sweet nothings were whispered into my ears as he tenderly stroked my hair, the blonde tresses gliding between his fingertips. 

"So both Hidan-senpai and Kakuzu-senpai have meet their ends." I could barely make out Tobi's childish voice as he spoke.

"It seems that way, un." Deidara replied. Carefully the blonde wrapped his arms around my legs and shoulders, lifting me up as I lay cradled like a child into his chest. "Come on, we had better report like back to Leader-sama."

With those last word said we departed leaving Hidan buried beneath the earth.

I was taken into them infirmary as soon as we returned to base. With Kakuzu gone Konan had taken on the position as our medic. After a quick examination I was cleared to go. Instead of making my way to my room and locking myself away like I normally would I chose to take comfort in the room of our bomb specialist.

Deidara sat cross-legged on his bed. He wore a simple black wife beater and plain cargo shorts. His blonde hair was left loose and fell down to his lower back. Inviting myself in I took a seat next to him on the bed. A heavy sigh left his lips as he moved to rest his head in my lap. Slowly the blonde's hand reached up, his fingers sensually playing with the tips of my hair that framed my face.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart." He whispered. His eyebrows were pulled into the center of his face as he lay there deep in thought.

"Why are you apologizing?" I asked him, my own voice just as low.

"For everything." He said. "For Sasori. For Hidan and Kakuzu. For this life you've fallen into. I'm sorry for it all, un"

I softly shook my head, "None of this is your fault."

I took his hand in mine as it fell from my cheek.

"Joining Akatsuki was the best choice I ever made. You all made me stronger and meeting every single one of you is something I'll never regret. You guys are my family and no matter what happens nothing is ever going to change that. Be it Konoha or the entire world, I will never stop fighting for the Akatsuki."

A smirk made its way on to Deidara's lips. "I'm glad you said that, however..."

Deidara lifted himself back up into a sitting position. Giving me a small smile he rested his forehead against mine.

"... I want you to promise me that no matter what, you'll put your own happiness first, un."

His blue eyes stared honestly into my own. The way his face sat so relaxed and sincere in front of me told me the true meaning behind his words. Deidara didn't want me suffering through the loss of our fellow comrades. He wanted me to follow my own path, not just as a member of Akatsuki, but as plain old Natsuki Himura.

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