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It was my day off and I intended to spend it relaxing. I was on the couch watching old reruns of that 70 show. I was in the middle of an episode when 2 wide recievers, a running back and a defensive line man walked into my house.

"How did you get in?" I asked.

"I know where your spare key is." Zeke said waving it in front of me.

"I'll be moving that." I said.

"We want to know." Dez said sitting down and taking my M&M's.

"Know what?" I said snatching my bag back.

"Who the father is." Cole said.

"So you come into MY house and want to know who the father of MY baby is?" I said trying to figure out what they were smoking or drinking.

"Yes and we arent leaving until we know." Demarcus said sitting in my recliner.

"Well yall are going to be here a long time." I said.

"Come on why wont you tell us?" Dez asked.

"Because some things are better left unsaid." I said.

"Okay If we guess it will you tell us?" Cole asked.

"This isnt a game." I said.

"Well thats the only way you will tell us." Dez said.

"Okay but you will never guess." I said.

"Okay is it another athletic trainer?" Cole asked.


"How far along are you?" Dez asked.

"4 1/2 months."

"Is he on the team?" Demarcus asked.


"Zeke?" Dez asked.

"Dude im right here." Zeke said.

"Lee?" Cole asked.


"Brice?" Zeke asked.


"Okay this is going to take forever." Demarcus said.

"Wait a minute you said you were 4 months. That was the beggining of the season. We were on the road. I was rooming with Dak and he kicked me out to bring a girl home." Zeke said.

"Its Dak isnt it?" Cole asked.


"It is, Amina you have to tell him." Zeke said.

"No I dont and you cant. It will ruin his career." I said.

"We will respect your wishes but i hope you know. Once you have this kid he is going to put 2 and 2 together." Dez said.

After they left I laid back and thought about what I was doing.

Dak Prescott's Baby MamaWhere stories live. Discover now