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I decided to let Dak spend the day with Dallis in my home that way I was close if he needed. I was going to catch up on some cleaning amd organizing. Dak was in her room rocking her in the rocking chair and I was down stairs sweeping. I heard a phone go off and looked on the counter and seen it was Dak's. I looked and seen a name flash across the screen.

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I didnt answer i just let it ring. Who is Alisha? I know all his family and it isnt any of them. Then a message flashed across the screen.

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Boo?! I wasn't tripping because we aremt a couple. I just didnt know he was seeing someone. I set his phone back down before he came downstairs.

"Hey I just put her down for the night. Thanks for letting me stay the day." He said hugging me.

"Your welcome." I said.

"Well im going to get going." He said looking at his phone.

As soon as the door shut I grabbed my phone and called Zeke. If anyone would know who this Alisha is it would be him.

"Whats up mama?" He said

"Who is Alisha?" I asked.

"I swear I didnt cheat!" He joked.

"Zeke im serious." I said.

"What are you talking about?"  He asked.

"Dak was over here today and someone named Alisha called his phone." I said.

"Oooo girl continue." He said in a girly tone.

"She texted him "Hey boo" with the little emojis." I said.

"I think she is some girl he has been seeing." He said.

"How long?" I asked.

"Few weeks." He said.

"Are they serious?" I asked.

"Not really they have gone oit a few times. Nothing big has happened yet." He said.

"Do you think something will?" I asked.

"I dont know AJ are you jealous?" He asked.

"Of course not." I said.

"Look dont worry about it. Its probably some little fling." He said.

"Alright your probably right." I said

"Arent I always." He said.

"Okay goodbye." I said.

"Night mama." He said hanging up.

He has to be right, Right?

Dak Prescott's Baby MamaWhere stories live. Discover now