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It had been a few days since Dak proposed to that.... Mama always said if you dont have nothing nice to say dont say anything at all. I refused to talk to Dak or anyone else for that matter. I was not depriving him of seeing his child. I would make Zeke come get her and make the transfer. Me and him had gotten closer since Dak decided to run off with...Again not going to say nothing because it isnt nice.

"Okay you have got to get up off the couch." Zeke said picking me up.

"But the couch wont do me wrong." I said.

"Yes it did you smell horrible no offense." He said bringing me upstairs.

"Put me down." I said.

"No go take a shower. You are going to practice today." He said.

"I dont think so." I said.

"Well i do and Im going to win this battle. Go shower you stink." He said holding his nose.

"Screw you." I said.

"Maybe after you shower." He said.

"Gross." I said.

"And you have room to talk." He said.


This Alisha had to go and I was doing determined to get rid of her. To do that I have to show Dak what he's missing. Amina is who he is suppose to be with not some gold digging tramp. Who in the harsh light of day is barley a 1. I knew Dak would get jealous if he seen the guys all over Amina. I am going to make sure he notices her. I do not know anything about fashion for girls so I had to call in some renforcement. Dez got his girlfriend Ilyne to help. Face it we all want Amina and Dak together.

"Im here and I got clothes." She said walkimg upstairs.

"Good I got her off the couch and in the shower." I said.

"Thanks cause look I have met this girl Dak is with and lord she got to go." She said.

"Thanks Ilyne I will leave you to your work I have to go to the arena." I said leaving.


I got out the shower and wrapoed my towle around me and walked into my bedroom. Ilyne, Dez's girlfriend was sitting on my bed.

"Hey what are yoi doing here?" I asked.

"We are going to make Dak jelaous." She said.

"Why?" I asked.

"I know you want him. After he see's you in this and the guys hitting on you. He is sure to get jealous." She said.

"But the guys dont hit on me." I said.

"They will today Ezekiel is at the stadium now talking to them." She said.

"Yall must really not like this Alisha girl." I said.

"We dont trust me. We all talk about her." She said.

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