8 momths later
Here I am on my wedding day marrying the love of my life. I stood at the alter thinking about all we been through and how I wish my mom could have been here to see it. Unfortunaltley Aminas parents arent alive today to see her get married. I watched as the the guest came in. Then came the groomsmen and bridemaids. This was definitely a cowboys wedding. Our colors were Silver, Blue and white. The music started to play and the doors opened. She looked beautiful. Dez was walking her down the isle. He handed her hand to me and i helped her up the stairs.
Skip all the stuff til the Vows.
"The couple has written their own vows which they will share now. Dak." The JOP said.
"Amina when I first saw you i could tell their was something different about you. You werent like anyother person I had been with. I wish I could have been their through the pregnancy and birth of our daughter but I understand why you didnt tell me. You are a strong and independent woman. Thats what i love most about you. I want to be with you until death do us part." I said.
"Dak words cannot describe how I feel about you. You brought something I never had into my life. Love I didnt grow up privleged. I worked for everything I have. You have those same characteristics which is why I love you. I wish to have many days of happiness with you." She said.
"You may now kiss the bride."
I leaned in and smashed my lips to hers. We turned and looked at the people.
"Everyone Mr. And Mrs. Dak Prescott."
"Dude are you crying?" I asked Zeke.
"Man shut up weddings are my weakness." He said.
The end

Dak Prescott's Baby Mama
FanficAmima "AJ" James is the only girl Athletic trainer for the Cowboys. She sees thing most girls would die to see. She goes on the road wirh the boys. That is until one away gsme chmages hef life forever. There will be heartbreak, betrayal, lies and...