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Tuesday, May 2nd, Drama, 1:00 pm

Well, that went well. No, really, I’m not being sarcastic. I seriously think that I did well.

Mrs. Langsly sure looked happy. In fact, she looked so happy that it was almost scary. I’m serious.

So anyway, just to waste time, Lindsey raised her perfectly manicured hand to ask a stupid question. She was all, “Um, Mrs. Langsly, like, what’s, like, estrapade mean? Is this, like, supposed to be, like, um, action-y?”

I’m totally being serious. She said “like” that many freaking times. God, she’s so stupid.

I don’t mean to be mean, but seriously, who talks like that? That’s right, no one except Lindsey and her clone, Sandy. It’s ludicrous.

So, anyway, Mrs. Langsly said, “Estrapade means the action of a horse trying to shake off their rider.”

“Well, that’s, like, kind of stupid,” Lindsey said. Mrs. Langsly looked totally offended, and she said, “Well then, Lindsey, you simply don’t have to participate then,”

I heard a few snorts and snickers in the back of the auditorium. I was one of the laughing people.

I mean, she sounded so pathetic. Whatever, it’s none of my concerns. I have something more important to care about. For example: WHO IS MY SECRET ADMIRER?! I know I’m overreacting, but I’m freaked out.

Who would like me? I’m almost as bad a Lindsey, except I’m totally smarter.

Well, I hope I make it into chorus for this play. Maybe my secret admirer would see what a mistake he made in liking me. I bet I’ll mess up this whole play without trying.

Yeah, I suck that much.

Well, to change this annoying subject, MY BIRTHDAY IS TOMORROW!!

I wonder what my gifts will be. Will my secret admirer give me a gift? Does he even know that much about me? That would actually be kind of scary, you know? Because then he would be a stalker, right? Well, it wouldn’t matter to me anyway, well, that would actually be pretty sweet of him.

I know this is going to sound kind of stupid, like something Lindsey or Sandy would say, but I hope it is a him and not a her.  That would be freaky. Having a lesbian like me, I mean. That would be something new… and creepy.

God, I’m sooo tired. I just want to collapse on to my soft, king bed. I’m going to try to take a nap for the remaining time of the auditions in Drama. Maybe I’ll write when I get home, just maybe.

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