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Wednesday, May 3rd, The Mansion, 3:13 pm

I’m thinking about my encounter with Jim. In fact, I’ve been thinking about it so much that I haven’t even opened my presents. And my mom gave me A LOT of presents- A LOT.

I have this huge pile right now on the floor just waiting to be opened. I mean, I want to open them because I love surprises and all, but this is bugging me so much! I can’t get it off my mind! Usually I’m like a goldfish and I forget things in an instant, but this is definitely something else.

I just have to tell Nikki. I’m pretty sure that she’ll know a thing or two about my problem. After all, her chat name is “FrizzyLove”.

RoyalLoudMouth has logged on…

RoyalLoudMouth: Hey, Nikki, I know you’re on here waiting for a response about your present. But the truth is, I haven’t opened any of my presents because I have been so preoccupied by something that happened today, and I know you can help me on this subject.

FrizzyLove has logged on…


RoyalLoudMouth: Yeah, I knew you would respond. Anyway, it is about a boy that I met in Drama today.

FrizzyLove: OOOO! Drama in Drama class!!! I love it! Sorry, continue please. :)

RoyalLoudMouth: Well, his name is Jim Fairshonnel, this jock who plays Basketball. Do you know him?

FrizzyLove: OMG!!! He is one of the best Basketball players in the SCHOOL!!! HE LIKES YOU?!?!

RoyalLoudMouth: Who said that??? No… well, I don’t know. I can’t read minds, Nikki. Anyway, he WINKED at me. Of all people, he winked at ME.


RoyalLoudMouth: Okay, sheesh. Calm down!

FrizzyLove: I’m sorry, but that I cannot do. CONTINUE. O_O

RoyalLoudMouth: Okay? So, after he practiced for his part, he came over to talk to me.

FrizzyLove: Wait a second! Back UP. What part did everyone get in Drama?? Tell me, TELL ME NOW. I MUST KNOW THIS STUFF!!!

RoyalLoudMouth: Okay, here:

vRegistration  Lady: Hannah White

vFriend 1-Lilly: Jill Harpenson

vFriend 2- Haley: Kasey Nardew

vFather of Joyce: David Inkardine

vWhistle Blower for race: John Kasewa

vDouglas: Jim Fairshonnel

vJoyce: Charlotte Smith

 vStage crew: William Far, Sandy Tackleshun, Tiffany Lakes, and Lance Nilliar

vChoir Lindsey Jones, Carla Chace, Robert Barshall, Valerie Heeskon, and John Kasewa

FrizzyLove: OMG. Mrs. Langsly assigned you the LEAD ROLE?!?! I thought you only wanted to try out for CHOIR.

RoyalLoudMouth: I know right??? And now I have to kiss JIM.

FrizzyLove: Ohmigod, I didn’t even notice that!!! DOUGLAS IS JIM?!?

RoyalLoudMouth: I know. My life is ruined.

FrizzyLove: Are you KIDDING ME?! Jim Fairshonnel is one of the HoTtEsT boy in the whole freaking school!!! Some girls would DIE to be in your position right now!!! You get to KISS HIM!!!!

RoyalLoudMouth: Do you not understand my pain AT ALL???? I just realized during Spanish class that I LIKED HIM. Remember how I always said that I don’t notice jocks? Well, that’s still true for all the other jocks, but Jim. He’s the one jock that I notice now. He’s almost the ONLY thing I notice.

FrizzyLove: AWWWWW!!!!!

RoyalLoudMouth: I’m sorry, do I know you???

FrizzyLove: Oh shut up. You know how I am. But seriously, that is so adorable.

RoyalLoudMouth: Um, NO IT’S NOT. Anyway, he was all, “Hey, aren’t you in my English class??” and I swear that I looked like I had a spasm right then and there because that’s how nervous I was! I could’ve put a container underneath the palm of my hand, and I would collect 1 gallon from that.

FrizzyLove: Oh please. I’m sure it wasn’t THAT bad.

 RoyalLoudMouth: Oh, it was that bad, it was.

HelloI’mCool has logged on…

HelloI’mCool: Hey guys! What’s up! I saw that both of you were logged on and I didn’t want to miss out!!!

RoyalLoudMouth: Oh God. There’s NO WAY I’m going to retell that story. Nikki, you tell her. I’m going to open my presents now.

HelloI’mCool: Sorry that I couldn’t get you a present Charlotte, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!

RoyalLoudMouth: So much for “Happy”. Bye

FrizzyLove: Okay Sophie, here’s what we were talking about from the top. And you won’t believe it!!!

RoyalLoudMouth has logged off.

Have a nice day and come back to chat anytime!!! J

I am going to get started on this pile of presents. Wish me luck!

 NOTE: BTW, the J thing stands for a smiley on Microsoft Word. Sorry it doesn't show up. :(. I'm too lazy to fix it. lol sorry. And the v things are supposed to be bullets for listing the names.

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