Coping Isn't As Easy As It Looks

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Hiii! Sorry for not updating in like 2 weeks, I've been up works ass everyday to Boxing Day. Hope everyone had a nice Christmas! Mine went a lot better than I thought which has put me in a good mood like 24/7. Anyways enough rambling...


Scott hasn't spoken all day, or shown any form of moving. All he did was sit on the hospital bed staring blankly ahead, almost like his mind wasn't completely there.

The rest of the band had to head back to figure out some things. In the meantime both Scott and Mitch's parents came to visit. They cried. They broke down. But they ended up coping.

Scott however, couldn't. He simply couldn't cope with that fact that Mitch is dead. He couldn't comprehend it. This was going to change his life forever and he didn't know how to take that.

How could this be happening?

He had everything planned out, right after tour he was going to propose. Mitch was going to say yes then they would be married still growing strong with PTX while bickering about their future. That was suppose to be the plan.

Just then Connie and Mitch's parents appear in the room but Scott never broke out of his trance. They wiped their eyes and sat next to him taking his hand in theirs.

"Scott? Are you okay?" Connie wondered before scoffing to herself shaking her head. "Of course you're not. What am I saying? The doctors said you haven't spoken a word since last night." No response. Connie looked over to Nel and Mike for help.

Nel stepped forward taking a deep breath, trying to be strong. "I know it must be hard for you. It's hard for us too...I mean..I-I'm never going to see my b-baby boy again. Never going to see his smile, or hear him sing..." She shook the thought out of her head trying to get back on track. "But we are going to get through this...together. I know you must think your alone now but you really aren't, you don't have to go through this alone. We need to stick together now more than's what he would have wanted..."

Scott still showed no signs of emotion so Nel pushed a bit further. "I know you love him...very much. I never thought I'd see my baby so happy to be with someone like you. He loved you so much Scott. Please know that, please know that he wouldn't want you doing this to yourself. It's not your fault."

The words played around in his head on a loop. It's not your fault, it's not your fault, it's not your fault...but wasn't it?

He can't help but blame himself for getting them both in that situation in the first place. All he ever wanted was to live a life with Mitch. Was that too much to ask? Obviously fate had other plans.

It's not your fault...

A single tear slowly slid down Scott's cheek, but he still tried hard not to let any emotional spill out. He had to be strong, strong for Mitch's parents, he couldn't let the weakness take over.

Obviously Mitch's parents noticed the tear fall but he didn't break, they sighed and got up from their seats.

"We love you Scott. You're not the only one grieving right now." And with that they left, Scott's bottom lip quivered and just then he broke down letting the tears erupt from him.

Maybe he didn't have to be strong. Maybe it was okay to show emotion once in a while. It's the only way for him to move forward with his life. He knew he needed to do that, but he didn't want to do that. As much as it hurt him he couldn't do it without Mitch. And there was nothing he can do to bring him back making Scott confused as to how he was meant to move on.

How was he meant to move on with the amount of guilt inside of him because he still strongly believed he was reason for his death. It was his fault Mitch was dead.

It's all my fault.

Forgive me, Mitch.

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