Chapter 4: Plane Ride

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Sir Duke by Stevie Wonder = Caitlins Theme

     I had to get up at 3 am for the plane ride. Rachel, Caitlin, Michelle, Ryan, Joey, Ben, and I met at the front of the airport. Ben and Ryan were kind of excited. "IT'S LIKE A MOVIE!" Ryan told me. On the other hand, I could tell Joey was slightly nervous. But he said that he'd be alright. It was kind of fun being on the same plane as my friends. AND... We were the only ones on it! Nice!

     "Felix why?!" I yelled while laughing. Michelle and I were watching one of Pewdiepie's videos called I SHOULDN'T HAVE DONE THIS... Now let me explain, Felix was eating fried chicken and each piece of chicken had a different type of hot sauce on it. But his crew behind the scenes poisoned one of the pieces of fried chicken. Oh, and by poison I mean VERY FUCKING HOT HOT SAUCE!

     Once the video was over Michelle and I were crying laughing.

     "What the hell did you guys watch that was so funny?" Ryan asked. I took a deep breath.

     "Pewds." I said. He face palmed, like he was disappointed. "Hey! Is it a sin to like him now?! Jesus."

     "This is actually kinda fun!" Rachel says.

     "Yea but the reason why we are here is not as fun." Ben says.

     "That is true." Joey says.

     "Why did we have to come? I mean the girls I get but why us four guys?" Ryan asks.

     "Have you seen this new enemy?" I say. Ryan sighed.


     "We're gonna need all the help we can get." I said. It was then a man in a black suit walked up to us. He looked like a character straight out of the Men In Black movies. His pitch black hair was almost equally as dark as his eyes. Everyone was quiet and waited for the man to speak.

     "Hello everyone. I want to start off with saying thank you for helping us." The man began. He had a deep voice. He kinda looked like a horse. A long face. I don't know why I'm talking crap, my face is kind of shaped that way too.

     "Why would we not?" I asked with a slight laugh.

     "You never know if every superman is going to be as agreeing as you." The man said. Superman, huh? I didn't think people would ever consider me that. "My name is Will Phillips. I work for the president of the United States. And until XXX is defeated, you do exactly as I say." I sighed. I'm the type of person that looks like she is listening and once everything's a go, I forget everything you say and I start doing my own stupid thing. "I will explain more when we get to the base." Oh yea, I had no idea where we were going. Somewhere in New York. That's all I knew. Will walked off and for a few moments we were all quiet. The eight of us just stared at each other. Then I spoke.

     "I am confused in 20 different ways." Everyone bursted out laughing due to how confusing the statement was. It was always either Caitlin or I that broke the awkward silence. And we always used a joke. "What? I was not listening at all!" I say loudly.

     The rest of the plane ride felt off. "Hey." Rachel said. She was lying down across 3 of the airplane seats, listening to music. She paused whatever she was listening to and spoke. "Do you think this triple X dude can attack us in the air?"

     "I don't know." Joey answered. I stared out the airplane window. I started thinking. Could he really attack us in the air? Then I realized... New York.

     "HOLY CRAP!" I screamed, which scared everyone.

     "What is it?" Caitlin asked.

     "Michelle!" I called out. She looked over at me. It was easy to tell that she WAS sleeping. Key word: was. My scream woke her up I bet. "Damn it! I wish they told us where we were going in New York."

     "They won't tell us cause where ever we are going is top secret or somethin'..." Michelle answered drowsily.

     "I know. But what if we see Haley!?" I exclaimed.

Quick description of Haley:

     Blonde and glasses. Is a anime addict like me. Her and her friends are my only internet friends that I have. And guess where they live? If you guessed Canada! Are you stupid? New York you silly. Sad thing is my parents don't even know that she exist and her parents think Michelle and I are pedophiles...

     Michelle jumped up. "I completely forgot about Haley!"

     "You evil human!" I said to her.

     "SHUT UP!" Rachel yelled. We both stopped. Mainly because we were all so tired almost all of us were asleep. I sat down in my seat and decided to text Haley.







     It was almost time to land. And by almost I mean 1 hour left. I had my earbuds in and I was listening to music. I know that I promised Michelle that I wouldn't die but... I seriously could die from this. But I had to try my best to NOT die. Before the 'Put on your seat belts' message came on Caitlin and Ben walked up to me. "What's up?" I ask.

     "Oh." Caitlin starts. "Ill tell you what's up, XXX just attacked another city!" I sighed in frustration.

     "Where is he attacking now?" I ask sitting up from my slouching position.

     "California. He just attacked LA. How do we know? Markiplier made a video, his house is almost completely destroyed and all of his gaming equipment is broken. All he has left is his phone and a couple other things. But Mark himself is okay." I wasn't sure how to process all this information. Then Ben adds some more bad news.

     "Also, we looked at the past locations he has attacked. All of the areas are around some well-known YouTubers and music artist." I leaned back in my seat. I look at Caitlin and we were thinking the same thing. Ben must have noticed the look we were giving each other because he asked. "I don't understand, what does this mean?"

     "If he's targeting artist like that then that means he is targeting my hero's." I explain. "I watch a bunch of different YouTubers. And I listen to all kinds of music which don't help. So, XXX is trying to scare me by attacking them. You said none of them died, right?"

     "No." Caitlin re-assured. "They're all alive, but either way, their homes are probably almost completely destroyed or some stuff was damaged."

     "Good. Well, we're almost at where we need to be so we can talk then." I sighed as the two walked off. I was praying to God that no one would die because of me. And I say because of me for a reason. If I wasn't attacked and given abilities that one night, XXX probably wouldn't be here either. It's my fault people are suffering.

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