Author's Note

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I know this book ended on a note that spoke of bittersweet sadness but I couldn't let this book end without Sorrel saying goodbye to the sister she would have moved mountains for. I couldn't leave the story of their love unfinished, unresolved. Sorrel needed to have that finished, and honestly, I did too.

Maggie's story was hard and brutal and so terribly sad but I like to think that she was with Sorrel as she said her goodbyes. That she was there in the best possible way she could to remind Sorrel that she will be there for her after everything is over. That she will be there to embrace her twin as she crosses over into Mene's embrace. Perhaps she will pull Sorrel close and whisper in her ear just how much she missed her, just how proud she was of Sorrel raising Madeline to be a wonderful Alpha and guiding her right on the path of her life.

It was sad, yes, but there is the happiness too. No matter how sad and hard that goodbye was for Sorrel it will lessen her burden and make her heart lighter. It was needed for her to grow further as a person, for her to move onto the future. Her and Arlo have a happy life ahead of them. Yes there will be bumps and road blocks but they will deal with them together. After all, that is what Sorrel wanted, was it not? To have someone be there when life shoved at her, pushed her down. Someone she could reach out and grasp when everything around her seemed to be in chaos.

Despite the bittersweetness of the ending, it needed to be done and as I said before, I needed it to end that way as well. This book was... well it was a journey. When I started it I said this book was going to be strange in how it was written and I did not realize just how strange it was. It took me a long time to write. Over twice as long as any of my other books. Not to mention the ending of this particular tale changed four different times and added another fifteen chapters. The story was not happy with the original plan so it drug me along just as I drug you along.

I felt I probably would have gone somewhat insane writing this, especially Maggie's story, if I did not have my twin and partner in crime, Ashley. Or as you may know her, @TeaNHeartache. She stood by me, helped me work through it, to get the hard parts out and calm me down when all I wanted to do was weep miserably at some points in this story. She was my rock, as Arlo is Sorrel's and as was Maggie. I couldn't have done this without her, without her by my side and holding my hand when things got tough.

So thank you, Ashley. For being my friend when I needed you most. I love you so much.

Until next time,

Anna Maria Lee Koski

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