Darling, You'll Be Okay

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  • Dedicated to Anyone struggling with depression or self harm. :)

Before I start this chapter, I just want to give a shout out to one of my best friends (@Teh_Potatato) go follow her and read her stories. :) This whole story is basically dedicated to anyone who has been struggling with self harm, depression, insecurities, or losing someone due to suicide. If you have heard Pierce The Veil's song, Hold On Till May that is where I got the title, if you have not yet heard it you should go listen to it. :) I promise whatever you're struggling with, you'll be okay. :) 

I wipe away my tears as I look in the mirror, "You're so ugly.." the same thing pops into my head every morning before school, because that's what I hear everyday. I don't understand why they do this to me, they don't realize what their words do..I look down at my wrist which was covered in fresh cuts. No matter how hard I try to be perfect, nothing ever seems to be enough for them. Normally I can ignore their hurtful words but lately, it's just become too much for me to handle. I walk out of the bathroom and over to my closet, I didn't have much to choose from because all I wore were long sleeved shirts to hide my scars...but even sleeves won't hide the emotional scars. I slip on my Pierce The Veil pullover, they've been the only people truly keeping me alive and sane lately. I grab my bag and skateboard and make my way downstairs, waving bye to my older brother before heading out the door. I ride to school on my skateboard, I don't like driving a car to school because that costs too much and the jocks would probably TP it or something. I didn't even have a chance to walk into the school before the bullies started spitting their harsh words at me. One guy, what was his name again? Oh yeah, Tomas was the first one to throw the "punch". I tried to ignore them, "Can you please move?" I ask quietly. "It speaks!" Shania, Tomas's girlfriend, also known as "leader of the bullies" exclaimed. "Just, please move so I can get to class.." I manage to let out before Shania knocked my books out of my hands and pushed me to the ground. I looked up and seen three figures standing above me, I closed my eyes and waited for the first round of beating. 

"Hey!" I heard someone yell in the background, saving me from Tomas's punch. Whoever it was, clearly scared Shania and her crew away. "Are you okay?" a familiar voice asked me, offering me his hand. I knew who it was, it was my best friend, Tristen. He was always there for me, I loved him a lot, not in a crush kinda way, just a sibling kind of love. I took his hand and pulled myself up, "Thanks. But you don't have to keep saving me from them...I can handle it." "Oh, so you being beaten half to death is handling it? I don't think so, they're not going to hurt my best friend, not if I can help it." he said as he helped me pick up my books. Tristen has always been pretty protective of me, since my brother isn't in high school anymore, he can't exactly do his part in protecting me. I don't know how I do it, but I've been hiding my scars and cuts from Tristen for the past couple of years. I don't think he notices that I wear long sleeves everyday, at least I hope he doesn't. "C'mon, let's get to class, huh?" he asked me softly, knowing if he spoke any louder it might cause me to flinch..and he hated that. I nod a few times, even though my first period class was with Shania, I knew I had Tristen in the same class so I usually stuck by him. I walked into class and seen something I dreaded most..the teacher had switched the seating arrangement around and instead of sitting next to Tristen, I was stuck next to Shania. Oh great..

The day went by really slow, I was so relived when the final bell went off, signaling that the day had come to an end. Tristan and I had planned on me going over to his house so we could study, my brother would be at work and he trusted Tristen enough to let me stay over there after school. I gathered the books I would need and headed down the hallway to the doors, Shania and her crew had left already for the football game tonight, thank God. I seen Tristen waiting for me at the end of the hall and I couldn't help but smile, he was always the one to bring a smile to my face, he was the most important person in my life besides my brother. "Are you ready?" he asked me, smiling that goofy, half smile that had the girls swooning over him. "Yep. Let's go, you goob." I let out a small laugh before nudging his arm gently, in return he nudged mine. I winced in pain, his eyebrows quirked in a questioning matter. I shook my head, "It's n-nothing. I just hurt my arm when I fell today." "Mmhm..I hope you realize I do notice your habit of wearing long sleeves everyday..I'm not stupid, Kris." he said. "Oh no, this should be interesting.." I thought to myself before hesitantly rolling up my sleeve.

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