Darling, You'll Be Okay

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Just a small note, the website that I named in this chapter is NOT a real website, I wanted to use a fake one so I used the one from the movie Cyberbully. This chapter is a bit short, I know. Enjoy. :)

After studying with Tristen for a few hours I decided to go home. Once I said my goodbyes, I hopped onto my skateboard and began the short trip home. The great thing about going to study at Tristen's after school was that we lived on the same block so it didn't take me long to go home. As I skated into the driveway I seen my brother's black Mustang, hinting that he was home, I skidded to a stop and walked onto the porch, I opened the door and leaned my skateboard against the wall, "Colby?" I asked for my brother, walking around the corner that lead into the kitchen. My eyes widened as I seen my idiot brother dancing around the kitchen, his headphones in his ears and his music turned up so loud even I could hear it. I waited until he turned around so his back was facing me before I screamed very, very loud. He must've heard me because he immediately pulled the broom out and spun around to face me, his earphones now dangling from his phone. "Jesus Christ, Kris..are you trying to give me a heart attack?" he said, trying to catch his breath. "Mm..pretty much." I grin cheekily before pushing past him, grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl. "Why do you do that? I was having my own little jam session." he grumbled, his bottom lip sticking out into a pout. "Well, maybe if you acted twenty instead of five then I wouldn't disturb your jam session, little baby." I stick my tongue out at him. My brother and I were always like this, we always have been ever since we were little. He chuckled and ruffled my hair, "How was your day?" he asked me the same question when I got home from studying. "Pretty good, I um..I showed Tristen my scars..and of course Shania and her slaves attacked me..like always." I replied to him, looking up at him, seeing the worry in his eyes. "How did Tristen take it? Did they hurt you?" "No, Colby, they didn't hurt me, Tristen stopped them before they could do anything. He reacted better than I thought he would.." I smile at him reassuringly. Colby always worried, he was scared that he was going to lose me, if he did he would have no one left. If anything, was the one who was scared of losing him, he just didn't realize it yet. 

After having a pleasant talk with my brother I headed up to my room to finish some homework. I toss my bag onto my bed and plop down onto the edge of it. I decided that I would take a shower to clear my head and relax, I grabbed my pajamas, which consisted of shorts and an Iron Man tank top and headed to the bathroom. 

Once I finished showering, I changed into my pajamas and walked out of the bathroom, grabbing my laptop on the way back to my bed. I sat on the bed with the laptop in front of me, I logged onto my Clicksters and waited for it to load as I brushed out my hair. Immediately, a see a line of comments down my time line about me.

"Did you hear that Kristen slept with that one guy?"

"Who did she sleep with?"


"Really? Wow, that makes him what? The...sixth guy?"

"I think so..she's such a slut."

"Stay away from her, you might get a disease."

"She should just kill herself already."

"The world would be better off without her."

I felt the tears streaming down my face as I read through each of the comments..they were all rumors..I never slept with Tristen..I never slept with any guy. Maybe they were right...maybe this world would be better off without me. I pushed my laptop away from me and stood up quickly, I walk to my bathroom and start digging through the drawers. Colby never came up to my room unless I asked him to so I hid my blades in the drawers of my bathroom sink. I finally find a blade, one that looks as if it hasn't been used very much. I sit on the edge of the bathtub and let the blade sink into my skin..

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