Darling, You'll Be Okay

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Kris finally got to come home after being in the hospital for nearly a week, Colby has been keeping a close eye on her ever since then. I've been telling him to slack off but he's in that overprotective brother mode. I've been staying over with her since Monday, she's been having nightmares and she hates being alone when she has them because they usually lead to panic attacks. 

Colby and I decided that it was time for her to be alone for awhile, I know what you're thinking, horrible idea. She's a girl and she needs her space, I don't think Kris will try anything stupid..I hope not.

*Kristen's POV*

Finally, I was alone. Tristen and Colby have been breathing down my neck ever since I left the hospital. They treat me like I'm a little kid, I appreciate it but I enjoy being left alone.  

I pace back and forth along my room, trying to decide whether or not I should check my Clicksters page. I couldn't help it, I needed to see what was being said about me by the witch. I grab my laptop from my desk and power it up, I quickly pull Clicksters up and log myself in. My eyes scan over the flow of my news feed.

Do you think Kristen is dead yet?

I don't know, I hope she is. 

Me too, I wish they wouldn't have found her.

Her parents deserved what they got, creating such an ugly disappointment like her. 

I feel sorry for her brother, having to go out in public with that...thing.

This was the last straw, I couldn't do it anymore. I push my laptop off to the side and run to my bathroom, grabbing my antidepressants. I pop open the lid and pour some into my hand, I make my way back to the room and grab my water from my bedside table. I pop the pills into my mouth and swallows them with a mouthful of water. I lay on my bed and close my eyes, waiting for the pills to kill the pain.

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