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White. Everywhere. White walls, white ceiling, white floor. No windows. Was this Purgatory? My ears were ringing. I couldn't feel anything. I tried moving, but my body wouldn't function. I managed to move my head slightly, and realized I was strapped into a chair, with tubes in my arms. I didn't know what was going on. Then I remembered. White suits. They took mom. I lost control. Am I dead now?
My mind raced. I remembered the man with the white eye. I remembered his blade piercing my chest. All of the sudden, a door I didn't realize was there opened on the other side of the room. An older man in a white lab coat entered. In his hands, he had a small chair and some papers. He sat down in the chair, and looked at me with his hands folded over his lap. An expression of pity crossed his features as he began to speak. "It is time for your daily medicine, Mister Ronald." I didn't understand. In an uneasy voice, I asked, "Why are you calling me that? My name's Vincent." He shook his head slowly. "Ah, you must have been having another hallucination. You're not Vincent. Your name is Ronald." I started to panic. "That's not my name...are you crazy?" He laughed. "No, I'm Doctor Ward, and you are my patient. You are at White Hill Mental Hospital." My head started spinning. This guy was just a part of my imagination. I wasn't alive anymore, that had to be it. The doctor started to speak again. "Time for your medicine." He pressed a button on the wall, and a strange light blue liquid started to pump through the tubes and into my arms.

I started panicking even more now. The doctor stood up, chair in hand. "Have a splendid afternoon, Mister Ronald." He started to turn around, and I struggled to get out of the chair. Roaring in protest of the pain I felt, I managed to tear one of the straps off of my chair. I tore the other strap off, and yanked the tubes out of my arms. The doctor was already out of the room by that time, but I didn't care. I leaped at the door, and started to pound on it with my hands. I heard people all around on the outside of the room, which only added to my anger. My heart was pounding so hard, I thought it was going to burst out of my chest. I yelled at the top of my lungs. "Hey! Let me out! I'm not crazy! I'm not crazy!"

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