Chapter 6~ Power

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Time for school. It was my least favorite day of the week- monday. The fact that I had a whole five days until the weekend made me feel like I was unwillingly hitting the "reset" button on a terrible, never-ending video game on a constant loop. But for obvious reasons, I felt like today would be different.Jumping out of bed, I went to the bathroom and took a shower. When I got out, I opened up my closet and began deciding what I wanted to wear for the day. Hmm....something edgy, but comfortable.Looking at my options, something dawned on me. I pulled a box out from under my bed, running my fingers along it's edges. This was the only thing my dad left behind that wasn't a bitter memory. Opening the dusty box, I pulled out my father's old jacket. It was a dark jacket with one of those high collars, and I had never worn it. Not even once. For some reason, I wanted to wear it. I put it on, and it fit me perfectly, like a second skin. The jacket wasn't a trench coat, but it did hang low. I looked at my reflection, popping my collar. I laughed when I thought about how I looked like a vampire from that movie...what was it called? The Lost Boys. That was it. Then I remembered.....I am a vampire. I guess I perfectly fit the part now. I flipped my unkempt hair to the side, grabbed my phone and headphones, and walked downstairs. Mom was asleep, so I tiptoed across the livingroom. Grabbing my backpack, I quietly opened the door and slipped out onto the porch. After locking the door and putting my house key in my pocket, I realized that it was my favorite type of weather: cool and foggy. I smiled. To make things better, I felt insanely powerful this morning. Even though I had already been fast, now I was even faster. As I turned the last corner before I got to school, something I felt like something wasn't right.That's when it happened- Randall came from behind an abandoned house, and stopped in front of me, crossing his arms. I stopped, expecting him to try and fight me again. Then, I heard movement all around me, and one, two, three other guys surrounded me. I looked at them, and they appeared to be his friends. I probably wouldn't have been worried if it wasn't for the fact that they had weapons. One had a pipe, another had a baseball bat. Randall and the last boy both had nasty looking switchblades. Randall smirked. I thought about my situation. Randall won't be too hard to handle, he's still bruised from our fight. But I'm not sure if I can take these guys at once.....I have to remember my training. I thought of what Red taught me. Rely on your primal instinct. Let go of fear. Randall laughed and shoved me, his goons closing in. "How tough are you now, Vincent? Give us everything you have , or we'll kill you right here." I felt the urge, the animal inside of me taking over slowly. To Randall's surprise, I smiled and said, "Kill me? Do you not know when to quit?" He said in a slightly scared tone, "You freak! Get him!" He shoved me again, and I felt all of their weapons coming at me. I ducked, feeling the air coming off the pipe as it went right over my head. I saw one boy swing his baseball bat at my legs, and I leaped high into the air, landing behind Randall. I leaped forward, wrenching my arm around his neck. With my momentum, I slammed Randall into one of his friends, knocking them both into the sidewalk. Another goon came at me with his knife, swinging the sharp blade at my throat. I stepped to the side, and in one quick movement, caught his arm mid-air. I twisted his arm back, hearing a satisfying crack. He dropped his knife and moaned in pain while he fell to the ground. I picked up the knife, and looked at the boy with the baseball bat. By now, he had recovered from Randall being thrown into him. I didn't even have to move, because he dropped his weapon and ran away. Randall was still on the ground, stunned at what he just witnessed. I took a step closer to him. He crawled back. I picked him up off the ground and slammed him again. This time, he was unconcious. I focused on his goons' minds. Removing their memories of this fight altogether, I picked up the boy with the broken arm who was now unconcious. Feeling a bit of remorse, I popped his dismantled arm back into place. I sat Randall and the goons on an old couch inside of the abandoned house. When they woke up, they wouldn't remember a thing. The only person I left with the memory was Randall. That would be entertaining, because everyone would think he was crazy if he tried to tell anyone what happened here. He also would remember not to mess with me. What I just did was amazing. I smiled.I ran to school, almost late. Time for usual Monday. At least I had hoped so.

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