Falling for Imperfect Clowns Chapter 2:

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Hi guys! sorry this is kinda short! :(

But yeah hope you like it!

x Katia

Chapter two:

“Alright, I have to get going.”

Sophie said.

Emily stood up, gathered her things and started for the door with her.

“My next class is Math I’ll see you at the courtyard after.” Emily waved good-bye and walked down the hall to the math room.

Everyone had already taken their seats and class was going to start in a few minutes. She could barely think with the lingering headache she had. She didn’t want to tell Sophie cause she knew it would worry her, so she acted as if she felt nothing.

She walked to the back of the classroom, trying not to trip over any bag on the floor, making her way to an empty seat next to a blonde boy who was busy scribbling on a piece of paper.

Emily set her things under her table and let her head burry itself in her arms, crossed on the desk. Her headache seemed to be slowly leaving when the boy beside her started talking.

“Rough day?” He spoke in an Irish accent that nearly startled her.

She sat up, trying not to look shocked that she knew who was beside her. “Oh, um, yeah, just tired I guess. Wasn’t able to have my sugar today.”

Niall Horan grinned. “Would you like some raisins?”

He slipped a small packet out of his backpack and handed it to her.

Emily couldn’t help but smile back. There was something about Niall that made her day every time she saw him. He was charming, funny, adorable…He was imperfectly perfect to her, but he knew none of this. She was probably just a friend to him.

She recalled the first time she’d met him. She had spilled her food on the lunchroom floor. Sophie was absent and Niall was behind her in the line. He offered to help clean the mess and shared his food with her. He was an exchange student from Ireland. She found it charming when he’d smile, but he’d close his mouth immediately. Emily always wondered what could possible have bothered him about smiling, but she never asked. They weren’t as close as she hoped they’d be.

“Class, I need you to pair up. You and your partner will be working on a creative output, showing what you’ve learned this semester.” The teacher announced, pulling Emily back into reality. She hadn’t realized the pack of raisins still on her desk. She quickly nabbed it, letting it fall on her lap.

Class went by fast. The final bell rang and students scrambled to their next subjects. Emily gathered her notebooks and pens and stood as well, making her way out.

“Em—Emily! Emily! Hang on!” Niall called from behind.

“Yeah?” She turned wait for him to reach her.

“I was wondering… for the project. Would you…would you happen to want to be my partner? I mean, I know we don’t know each other that much but I was sort of thinking it wouldn’t hurt to—”

Emily couldn’t help but laugh. “Of course I’d love to be your partner.”

“What’s so funny?” Niall smiled.

“Nothing.” She said simply and walked away, making it to her next class. “I’ll see you around.”

The rest of the day went by. The last period ended and Emily was storing things in her locker, ready to meet Sophie at the bus area.

Posters were being tapped to the walls and lockers about the up-coming prom. Emily had always wanted someone relatively hot to ask her, but after talking to Niall that all might change, that is, if he asks her.

“Em!” Sophie had just reached her locker across the hall from her. “Hold on, I’ll just get my things in my locker.”

“Hurry up! I don’t want to miss the bus again!” She snapped.

“Yeah, yeah, we wont.”

Emily ran to the village gate where the bus stop would be. Water droplets were already dripping down her nose.

“Damn it! I just blow dried!” She yelled unconsciously. She tried picking up pace but it was no use. The sky darkened and more rain fell. At that rate, she’d show up in school drenched. She could only imagine what Sophie would say.

“Hey! Need a lift?” Someone called out from behind.

Emily spun around and saw a black sports car with none other than Niall Horan in it. He smiled charmingly at her.

He immediately stepped out of the car, holding an umbrella, after whispering something to the driver in the front seat.

“Are you sure? I don’t want to wet your car.” Emily’s cheeks flushed red out of embarrassment.

“It’s perfectly fine. A girl like you shouldn’t be walking alone in the rain.” He stepped aside, holding the car door open for her. His other hand held the umbrella over them both, keeping her from getting anymore wet.

“Thank you.” Emily awkwardly said once the car started moving. She heard her stomach grumble. The car smelled of pizza and burgers. She wasn’t able to eat breakfast that morning because she was already running late.

“It’s my pleasure.” He smiled. “Oh and I’ve… I’ve been meaning to give this to you.” Niall nervously fumbled through his bag and took out a blue box, tied with a silver ribbon.

Emily smiled after receiving it. “Thanks—”

“Don’t open it yet. Um, open it when I’m not around.” He said quickly.

“Uh, alright.” She unzipped her bag and placed it in.

The day went by quickly. Emily was glad it was a Friday already. She’d longed for a day where she could just sleep.

Sophie sat beside her in the courtyard, doing her homework.

“Ems, can you pass me a calculator please?” She asked, still trying to solve the problem printed on the paper.

Emily reached for her bag and fumbled out the box Niall had given her that morning. She had forgotten it was there.

“Sorry, I didn’t bring one today.” She said, setting the box on her lap. Emily gently pulled the ribbon off and opened it. She couldn’t hold back a grin when she saw a small friendship bracelet with letters spelling out her name. She wrapped it around her wrist, knotting it at the ends and admired it. She had to admit, it was beautiful.

“Oh, how pretty, where’d you get that?” Sophie noticed, while setting her notebook down.

“Niall gave it to me.” She smiled.

She nudged Emily. “So, you think he’ll ask you to prom?”

“I don’t know.” She shrugged.

“Oh! C’mon! Prom is in four weeks!”

“And what about you? Anyone ask you yet?”

Sophie looked down and mumbled a “no.”

“I thought Tomlinson was going to ask you for sure.”

“I didn’t really get to talk to him much today.”

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