Falling For Imperfect Clowns Chapter 7:

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Chapter 7:

Emily had never felt so alone.

She sat quietly in math class as far away from Niall as possible. For the first time, she sat in front. She tried to look like she was paying attention even if she wasn’t. Her notebook had doodles and scribbles on them from the first semester when she used to share food with Niall in class—

‘No! None of that… No more Niall. You don’t need him…you don’t need him.’ She thought o herself. ‘You don’t need…but you want him…’

If she weren’t in public, she would have just broken down then and there.

“Ms. Beckham?” The teacher called out. “Can you tell the class what the answer to the problem is?”

Emily stood up slowly. Her eyes nearly exploded at the sight of the board.

‘What the bloody hell is this mind blowing piece of rubbish?’ She thought silently. She guessed she would have gotten it right if she’d been paying attention.

She stayed quiet. The teacher stared at her, along with the rest of the class.

The redhead boy behind her tossed a small piece of paper onto her desk. She tried recalling his name. ‘Marty?’ she guessed.

 The teacher cleared his throat at the sight of it. Emily pretended not to mind what had been thrown on her desk. Once he turned around to check and make sure the problem on the board was correct, she quickly nabbed the paper and secretively read it. She recognized the notebook paper, but she guessed Niall wasn’t the only one with that kind of notebook. There was a solution and an answer. She matched the numbers that were written on the paper to the ones on the board. It made sense.

“Um… Six…’x’ raised to eight over fifty-two?” She spoke as soft as possible just incase it was wrong.

“Correct. Take your seat please.” The teacher said.

Em felt like she’d just gone to hell and back. The weight of the entire class’ stare was indescribable.

“Good news Ms. Hall.”

The nurse walked in the room.

“You’re knee isn’t as bad anymore. You might not even need a cast tomorrow. You’re healing quite fast.” She smiled.

“That’s good.” Sophie mirrored her joyous expression.

“Oh and there’s someone here to see you.”


The nurse stepped aside, letting Louis walk in.

“Hey Soph.” He smiled; wearing his uniform she always thought made him look better than he already is.

He was just the person she wanted to see. “Hey. Doesn’t class end at three today? You’re an hour early.”

“I was excused. I told them no one was watching you here—No offense.” He turned around, apologizing to the over-weight nurse who simply giggled and walked out to the hallway.

Sophie laughed. “What, no flowers?” She joked.

“If I gave you flowers, they’d just die. What’s the point—? I’m not only saying it Good cause I’m a lazy bum, alright? Trust me, if flowers lived forever, I’d buy them for you.” He leaned over and kissed her gently on her forehead. “So what did the nurse say? Will you be alright?”

“Yeah. I might not need a cast tomorrow.”

“That’s great! When will they let you out?”

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