Falling for Imperfect Clowns Chapter 5:

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Chapter 5:


Sophie spun around in the hallway. A wave of students made it hard to point out who had called her.

“Sophie!” the person called again.

She stood still, hoping to figure out who it was.

A girl with black hair separated into ponytails, carrying a notebook approached her.

“Sophie, Sophie Hall?” She asked.

Sophie had only recognized her from the school paper.

“Yes?” She said. “What’s up?”

“Is it true?” The girl asked. It was hard for Sophie to concentrate with her bedazzled glasses the student reporter wore. “Is it true that you and Louis Tomlinson are officially a couple?”

“What—? No…I don’t know.” She frowned.

“Are you going to be his next girlfriend? How do you expect his passed ex’s to feel about a new face?”

“I—I’m sorry. I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Was Louis that popular? How many girlfriends has he had? Sophie had no idea. She only realized now how little she knew of him. What if he wasn’t how she expected him to be?

“For the past few days, students have seen you two roam together. What’s it like with Louis? Have you ever gone out with him yet?” Her foreful and questioning tone bothered Sophie.

“I—I have to go. Sorry. Some other time.” She quickly dashed down the hall, making it to the door to the courtyard where Emily sat.

“Soph! Over here!” Emily called out.

“Hey.” She sat down, dropping her bag carelessly on the ground.

“What’s with your hair? It looks like you didn’t comb today—or you ran like the total weirdo that you are…”

“Yeah. I got the student reporter on my tail. She asked if Luis and I were a thing.”

“Aren’t you?”

“I don’t know. He only took me out once!” Sophie buried her face in her palms. “The reporter said he’s had passed girlfriends! How many has he had?”

“In this school, about three. In his old schools I’m not sure anymore.” Emily said, reading her book, as if it was a completely simple question to answer.

“What if he’s playing me?”

“Then leave him. If he is, and I really don’t want it to happen, then save yourself the heartbreak. Don’t go to prom with him. There are other guys in this school.”

Sophie looked up and saw Louis walking her way, smiling. She couldn’t understand why he could be so happy. He had kept things from her.

“Hi Sophie,” He said.

“Hello.” She said quietly.

“Is something wrong?” He frowned at her hard expression.

“No. I just have to go.” She quietly stood up.

“I’ll walk you if you like. What’s your next class?” He quickly said.

“No. It’s ok. Em will go with me.” Sophie said coldly.

Emily got the picture. “C’mon Soph.” She gathered her things and started walking.

“Alright…I guess I’ll see you around?” Louis watched her go. “Bye.”

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