Falling for Imperfect Clowns Chapter 10:

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Chapter 10:

“Lights will guide you home, and ignite your bones,”

The music played.

“Why do I have a feeling you picked this song.” Sophie laughed, as she and Louis slow danced along with other couples.

And I will try…to fix you.” Louis sang innocently. “I haven’t got the slightest idea on what you are talking about my lady.” He joked.

“Thank you.” She said suddenly.

“For?” He looked at her, confused.

“Everything. For the first date, for the necklace, for staying with me in the hospital...” her voice trailed.

“That’s because I love my lady.” He smiled, but sounded a bit more serious.

“And I love my knight in shining armor.”

“Oh, so you admit it.” He laughed.

Sophie only nodded feeling a little embarrassed.

“Sophie!” Someone yelled from behind.

She spun around and saw Emily waving happily. Behind her was Niall Horan holding her hand.

Sophie gave her quick thumbs up before Emily went off with her date.

“So everything worked out after all.” Louis wrapped his arms around her once she faced him again.

“Yeah. It did.” She smiled.

“I have a surprise for you by the way.” He said.

“What’s that?” She asked. The song had already ended.

“You’ll see—Excuse me, I’ll be back alright?” he kissed her cheek before running off.

Sophie noticed Zayn Malik running too. Followed by Harry, Niall and Liam. What was going on?

“Hey! Soph!” Emily called from behind. “What’s with the boys? Niall said he had something important to do.”

Sophie joined with Emily. “Beats me. Lou said it was a surprise.”

“Excuse me,” the microphone screeched. “Sorry everybody.” He smiled apologetically.

Everyone looked and watched five boys, on stage setting up their microphones. One of them, Niall, carried his guitar and sat on a stool.

“Hi, evening everyone,” Louis said. “We’ll be singing a coupe of songs for you tonight. This one is a special song we wrote and I’m dedicating this song to a special girl. She’d the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. Sophie, I really hope you like it.”

Sophie felt Emily nudge her arm, but she didn’t mind. Her eyes locked onto Louis.

Music played and Liam Payne sang.

You’re insecure, don’t know what for, you’re turning heads when you walk through the do-oh-or, don’t need make-up, to cover up, being the way that you are is enou-uh-ugh,

Couples started dancing. Emily and Sophie grinned when they realized Niall and Louis kept their eyes locked on them.

Baby you light up my world like no body else the way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed, but when you smile at the ground it ain’t hard to tell, you don’t kno-oh-ow, you don’t know you’re beautiful…So c-come on, you got it wring, to prove I’m right I put it in a so-oh-ong…

The song lasted for a few more minutes. Sophie couldn’t stop smiling.

“Thank you!” Harry said once it was over. Everyone clapped and cheered for the boys.

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