Falling for Imperfect Clowns Chapter 3:

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Chapter 3:

“Sophie?” A boy called from behind.

Sophie’s heart nearly stopped. She knew that voice and judging by the look on Em’s face, she guessed right.

“Yes Louis?” She turned to face him. She was shocked to see him look so serious. He wasn’t with the other boys he was usually seen with.

“Um I— Emily, do you mind if I take her away for a while? It wont be long.”

Emily nodded watched Sophie stand and walk with Louis.

“What’s up?” Sophie decided to say.

“I was just wondering…I mean, if you don’t have any plans tomorrow, would you… like to hang out? You know, just the both of us.”

“Are, you…asking me to go on a date—? With you?” She couldn’t believe it. The boy that barely noticed her is now asking her to “hang out”.

“Well, yes.” He looked different. At that moment, he didn’t seem like the Louis Tomlinson every boy and girl knew. The Loud, funny guy had disappeared and now, he seemed almost nervous.

She smiled. “I’d like that.”

“Great!” he exhaled deeply, as if having been holding his breath the entire time. “I’ll pick you up for lunch?”

“Sure.” She smiled.

“Here, put that on.” Emily held out a white, lose blouse and a pair of denim shorts. “Oh, and those.” She pointed to the brown leather sandals on the floor of Sophie’s room.

Emily had spent the night, helping her pick out clothes and fix her hair.

Sophie changed in the bathroom quickly, washed her face and brushed her teeth.

“Sit.” Em said once she stepped out.

She did as told and sat in front of the vanity table, where Emily combed her hair, putting it into a neat ponytail which gave emphasis on Sophie’s neck.

“Oh my God Soph! You’re hair is so tangled! Haven’t you heard of conditioner?” Emily complained.

“You honestly think I could think properly this morning? I haven’t gone on a single date yet!”

“Just sit still, I’m almost done.”

The doorbell rang; Sophie wasn’t able to put on make-up yet.

“Dammit!” She grabbed her bag and hurried downstairs after Emily, who answered the door.

“She’ll be here in a moment,” Was Em’s first comment after seeing Louis out in the entryway.

He nodded. “Oh, alright—”

“Hey,” Sophie had appeared next to Emily, trying not to sound exhausted from running around her room, looking for her phone. She consciously brushed away small strands of hair that fell over her eyes.

“Hello Milady. Are you ready for lunch?” Louis gave her a big grin. He was in a striped shirt and Bermuda shorts. He looked good, Sophie admitted.

“You two go on! Don’t keep her out after nine or I will hunt you down!” Emily called out after them.

“Yes sir. I’ll take care of your daughter!” Louis joked.

There was a vintage looking car parked along the side of the road. It’s vibrant blue shade had already faded away. Louis held the door open for her. She hadn’t guessed he’d be such a gentleman. She had never seen him open any door for any girl before. It was rather flattering to know he did for her.

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