Falling For Imperfect Clowns Chapter 9:

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Hi! This is the second to the last chapter! Remember, this isn't the real deal! This is just the prologue-ish fanfic. So please be patient with me :)) the drama starts in the sequel. This is just to establish the back story cause you'll only understand the sequel if you read this :)

x Katia :)

Chapter 9:

Louis knocked thrice before the door opened.

“You look…” he stared, wide-eyed at Sophie who was already dressed and ready to go. She wore a light blue strapless gown. The color seemed to get darker as the fabric reached her ankles. She wore light make-up and had her hair curled for the night. She hadn’t grown any inches, so he guessed she wore flats. Soft brown curls bounced down her shoulders and back. She had cologne on. It was a sweet fragrance. What caught his attention the most was what she wore around her neck. A gold locket pendant hanging form a braid made of a golden chain and brown and blue chords. It was the necklace he’d bought for her.“…Beautiful.” Louis finally finished. “Where are your parents? Shouldn’t I meet them?”

“No, they’re out, but they left a message. They want me back by no later than eleven tonight understood?” She sounded stern, in a joking way.

“Yes ma’am.” He laughed and took her hand, leading her to the car.

“Any word from Niall?” Sophie asked once they started moving.

“No. He said he wasn’t going to prom. He had other plans. Emily?” Louis kept his eyes on the road avoiding potholes and gravel that fell on the ground.

“Nope. She said she’d skip prom if no one asked her.”

“But haven’t other boys asked her? Surely it wasn’t only Niall who… well, in his case, tried.”

“Yeah, a lot of guys asked her. She all turned them down. She was waiting for Niall.” Sophie said.

“Try calling her again, maybe you could change her mind.” He suggested.


She fumbled out her phone in her bag and dialed Emily’s number.

She picked up after three rings.

“Hello?” Em picked up.

“Hey Em? I was just making sure you’re fine, I mean, don’t you think missing prom would be the mistake of a lifetime? Think about it.”

“It’s fine, I’m going anyway. My mom’s kicking me out of the house. She and my dad want some alone time. I don’t want to know.” She made a sound that, Sophie imagined, went with a grimace.

“Oh? You want us to pick you up?”

“Nah, it’s alright. I have a ride. Just as long as you stay with me okay? Spend time with Louis too but don’t leave me completely alone.”

“I promise.” Sophie smiled, knowing Em wouldn’t see it. “I’ll see you there!”

“Yeah, you too.”

“So I take it she’s going?” Louis asked once the Sophie put the phone down.

“Yeah, but she still isn’t happy. I’m sort of worried prom will remind her of Niall and all.”

“I think she’ll be fine.”

“You don’t understand girls do you?” Sophie joked.

“Nope, nothing at all. I just know one of them is the most beautiful.” He smiled at her.

She stared at the mirror, examining herself harshly.

Her blonde hair, that had been tried for so many hairstyles, was now undone. That was the only thing that needed fixing. She barely had any make-up. She just had powder, eyeliner and lip balm. 

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