Falling for Imperfect Clowns Chapter 4:

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Chapter 4:

“He did what?”

Emily looked, wide eyed at her friend, who had just filled her in on her day with Louis Tomlinson.

Sophie giggled—which wasn’t a usual thing for her. “Yeah. He asked me to prom.”

She squealed. “Holy—” she stopped before she could swear. “You lucky bi—girl.” A teacher had passed them by along the hallway. “Ok, I need you to be my wing girl. I want Niall to ask me but I don’t know how to get it into his head. I can’t just walk up to him like a complete moron and say ‘Ask me to prom will you?’”

“Don’t worry, I got this.” Sophie smiled.

“I hope you don’t mean you’ll handle this like the last time when you told the guy I liked him.”

“He said he already knew! There was no harm.” Sophie reasoned out.

“Oh please, like you would actually believe him—Anyway, I need you to get this right for me. Prom only comes once in high school and I don’t want to get a horrible date who’d be busy playing with a game console while I sit on the tables because I’d be bored!”

“Will you relax? I said I got this.” Sophie reassured her.

The bell rang for the next class and Emily rose from her seat, gathered her things and made her way to the girl’s bathroom before meeting with Sophie for History.

“Woah there.” Someone stopped her in the hallway.

She didn’t need to look to know who it was. “Hi Niall.” She glanced up.

“Does the accent give me away?” He smiled sheepishly.

“Yes, yes it does.” She imitated him too perfectly.

“Not bad.” He smiled approvingly. “You’re wearing it.” He observed, now looking at the bracelet on her wrist.

“Oh, um yeah.” Em consciously dug her hand in her skirt pocket, hiding his gift.

“I’m glad you are.” Niall added quickly. “Wearing it—I mean.” He stuttered.

Emily didn’t know what to do. She only smiled politely.

He sighed heavily. “I’m—I’m sorry. I’ll just…” He started backing away. “I’ll see you later if ever.”

It was almost like knives cutting at her when she watched him leave. He walked quickly with his head facing the ground and his hands in his pockets.

“Later…” Em mumbled back.

“Em!” Sophie waved at her from her seat in the classroom. “Over here!”

Emily sat quietly down beside her and stared at the front of the room. She’d already thrown the bracelet into her bag, wishing she hadn’t worn it at all.

“Is something wrong?”

“I saw Niall today…” She murmured as if not wanting Sophie to hear it.

“But isn’t that a good thing? Doesn’t he like you?” She frowned.

“How would I know? I only was guessing…or hoping.” She said softly. “He saw me wear the bracelet he gave and he left right after that. I don’t want to freak him out. He must think I’m some retarded girl who day dreams about him every minute I can!” She buried her face in her palms.

“It’s ok.” Sophie reassured her. “He’s probably um…”

“I knew it! Not even you can come up with a logical excuse for what happened! He thinks I’m weird now! Soph what am I going to d—”

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