Chapter 2

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Hey sorry guys I know that first chapter sucked and there were so many spelling errors but please bare with me.
Everyone tried to start a conversation to lift the awkwardness out of the air but it was no use. I finally decided to go check on Ross.

I excused myself from dinner and jogged up the stairs to Ross' room.
"Ross, can you please open the door?," I asked
"I don't want to talk Laur," he said. I sighed.
"I'm not leaving until you open this door," I spoke.
"you could be here awhile then," he spoke.
"I have time," I spoke and rested my head on the door.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you Ross. I was going to, trust me I was, but then- but then what Laur," he interrupted.
"what? You didn't trust me enough?," he asked.
"of course I trust you, Ross. It's just... I- spit it out Laur," he interrupted once again.
"I didn't think you'd approve," I almost shouted.
"what? Laur... you know you don't need my approval I'm not your dad... or your big brother, heck, you're older than me," he said and I managed a small smile.
"you acted like my big brother when I was dating Andrew," i respond.
"you still remember that?," he asked.
"of course I do... I had to bail your ass out of jail remember," I said and he laughed.
"I just punched him, I didn't kill him."
"can you open the door now?," I asked. No response.
"Ross," I spoke.
"hang on," he said the same time the door swung open. I walked in and gave him a hug.
"I'm so so so so so- I get it, Laur," he interrupted... again.
"what is up with you and interrupting me today?," I asked and he shrugged.
"I am sorry though, Ross," I said.
" Laur! Stop apologizing... you're making me feel guilty," he say and sat down on his bed.
"guilty?," I asked.
"you're not the only one who's been hiding a relationship," he said as I joined him on his bed.
"how... how long, Ross?," I asked.
"11 months," he spoke.
"so let me get this straight. Here I am in a relationship with your brother for 11 months now, feeling guilty that I never told you and trying to cheer you up while you were in the same situation?"
"at least I'm not dating your sister Laura. I mean, what would happen if you and Rocky broke up? Are family wouldn't be the same, Riker would stop dating your sister and... we wouldn't be friends anymore! Is that what you want?," Ross asked raising his voice a little. I hate when he yells at me.

It makes feel so helpless.
"that's not going to happen," I spoke softly but just loud enough for Ross to hear.
"how do you know?," he asked.
"because I love him! And when two people love each other, Ross. They don't pick up and leave. They stay with you through thick and thin. You know, I saw this coming. I knew you wouldn't support us and yet I believed you would. Thanks for supporting us, Ross. You're the best," I spat and slammed his door shut bumping into Rocky in the process.

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