Chapter 38

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" Ross and Laura are..."
" well?," I asked annoyed at his dramatic pause. The doctor rolled his eyes and continued.
" they're in coma's. We don't know when they'll wake up," the doctor said. My heart stopped. My baby brother and his girlfriend are in coma's because of me. Why was I such a jealous freak?
" shouldn't you know when they'd wake up? Aren't you a doctor?," Vanessa shot back, a small smile playing on my lips. The doctor rolled his eyes and left us.
It's been three hours and Ross and Laura haven't woken up. I lifted my head once I felt a tap on my shoulder.
" we're going home. You coming?," Vanessa asked and I shook my head.
" I'm the one that put them in here. I have to be the first one they see once the wake up." She nodded and walked of with Riker who hasn't stopped glaring at me.
I sat there for another five hours and was about to fall asleep when someone punched my shoulder. Hard.
" ow!," I screeched and rubbed my arm. I looked up to see it was Alex.
" that's for causing a scene on my wedding day," she said and took a seat next to me. I rolled my eyes slightly.
" I'm sorry," I mumbled and turned to face her.
" you did get married right?," I question. She nodded slightly.
" I'm officially Alex Greenberg," she said and smiled a forced smile.
" you don't seem happy," I pointed out.
" it's just... not how I pictured my wedding day," she spoke and flashed me a sympathetic smile.
" I'm sorry... I know I ruin everything," I finished and she let out a quiet laugh.
" I should go... Adam's in the car," she said and got up.
" congratulates," I said once more before she walked out of the hospital while my baby brother and his girlfriend were battling for their lives.

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