Chapter 28

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Raini's POV
I was reading a book when I hear a knock on my front door. I put my book down and walked to the door.

I opened it to find Calum. I smiled and hugged him.

He hugged back.
"so... I was wandering if you wanted to go out tonight... you know... assuming you don't have anything to do tonight," he said and I smiled.
"I'd love too," I said and kissed his cheek.
I got dressed and went down stairs. The doorbell rang just as my feet hit the floor.
"hey," I said and hugged him.
"hey," he waved and led me to his car.
Our date was great. Instead of having dinner in a fancy restaurant we had a picnic under the moonlight.

It was so romantic. He placed a small box in my hand and I opened it.

A gold necklace with my name on it.
"Raini... would you do me the honour... of being my girlfriend?," he asked and I smiled.
"I'd love too," I said and placed my lips on his.

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