Chapter 13

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"why are you smiling like that?," Vanessa asked as I walked into our house.
"like what?," I asked and tried to wipe the smile off of my face.
"never mind," she said knowing she wasn't going to win.
At around 7:30 I got dressed and curled my hair.
"ok. Now you have to tell me where you're going looking like that," Vanessa said looking at me.
"I'm going out with Ross," I answered keeping my smile hidden... hopefully.
"like on a date?," she asked. I shook my head.
"we're just friends, V," I said. A couple minutes later the door opened.
"don't you ever knock?," Vanessa asked and got up to hug Ross. He hugged her back and smiled at me.
"ready to go?," he asked and I nodded.
Instead of going to a fancy dinner like I thought we were, he pushed open the doors to McDonald's and I couldn't help but smile.
"I thought to myself, why spend $200 on one meal when we can spend $200 on a whole evening," he said.
"thanks, Ross," I said and side-hugged him.
After dinner we headed to play some mini golf which we both suck at. At one point Ross gave up and tapped the ball in with his foot.
"you're such a cheater!," I announced and punched him playfully.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
After another round of mini golf we headed home. We sat on the swing on my back porch swinging back and forth.
"I had fun," I said and rested my head on his chest.
"me too,Laur," he replied.
"how much money do we left?," I asked.
" $110," he answered.
"round two tomorrow?," I asked.
"round two tomorrow."

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