Chapter 39

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3 months later and they still haven't woken up. What if they never do? Shut up, Rocky they will!
" Rocky, please take a break," Riker pleaded.
" I can't," I replied my voice barley above a whisper.
" I put them in here, Riker. I have to make this right," I spoke as he just rolled his eyes.
" Rocky, they weren't a couple long but you could tell they really love each other. They know you didn't mean to put them here. They'll forgive you when they wake up," Riker said and clamped my shoulder. I shook my head.
" if they wake up," I replied. Riker sighed.
" they will wake up, Rocky," Riker spoke.
" and if they don't?," I questioned.
" it'll be all your fault."
Eight months later and they still haven't woken up. Alex and Adam just got back from their honeymoon and are now sitting with me in the waiting room. No word about Ross and Laura's condition. I'm getting worried.
" Rocky... they'll be okay," Alex reassured and rubbed my shoulder.
" yeah dude... they'll make it," Adam tried to reassure me.
" Rocky... by the looks of it they aren't waking up anytime soon. You should go home. Get some sleep," the doctor suggested and pointed to my face. It's true. I haven't slept at all in eleven months. Eleven months being how long  Ross and Laura have been here for. I shook my head.

The doctor sighed at my actions and walked away.
December 15, 2017 is today's date. The day Ross and Laura met. Also the day their funeral will be held. The doctor was checking in on Ross and Laura two months ago when they slipped out of their comas and into an aneurism. And it's all my fault.

My family and I decided to have the funeral where they met in the first place. The park across the street. Rydel just finished her speech and it was now my turn.
" hi. Umm... I'm Rocky Lynch, older brother to Ross Lynch and I was future brother-in-law to his girlfriend Laura Marano. You all probably hate me. It's okay I wouldn't blame you," I said letting a couple of tears fall down my face. I killed my brother's girlfriend. And my brother. All for what?
" what drove me to kill them? I have no idea. I want to say I was jealous. Jealous of Ross and how happy he was with Laura. But if I told you I was jealous I would be lying," I said wiping my eyes.
" I wasn't jealous of Ross. I just wanted Laura. You probably don't want to hear about that now but... I have to say it so I won't feel so guilty," I said as I took in a breath of the winter air.
" the truth is... Laura reminded me of Alex. She was a reminder of someone I loved but couldn't have," I said my voice breaking by now as my eyes released waterfalls.
" I loved Alex but... I got to know Laura and I fell for her. I just... I just... I need her. I felt like I couldn't live without her," I said as my eyes met Vanessa's who was giving me a sympathetic smile.
" I don't know how I could live now knowing her and my brother are gone and it's all my fault," I said and looked at my parents.
" all because...," I couldn't find the word.
" all because I was... I just wanted her in my arms... I was so... so," then the word came to me.
" Anxious."

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