Chapter 34

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Rocky's POV
I knew it was wrong that I lied and that I'm willing to do everything in my power to get Laura back. She's just a reminder of what Alex was.

Alex. I will never forget the day we broke up.
I waited up all night for her to come home. At 1:00 in the morning she came home expecting me to be asleep.

Boy was she wrong.
"where were you?," I asked and turned on the lights. She jumped back and put on a smile.
"just out... with some friends," she said and put her long straight black hair into a pony tail and that's when I saw it. A hickie... which I didn't give to her.

I told her I didn't want to do it considering we have been together for eight months... not even a year.
"which friends?," I asked.
"oh... Amy... and Alexis," she responded.
"so which one gave you the hickie?," I asked.
"w-what are you talking about?," she asked bringing her hand to her neck to hide the hickie.
"who were you really with?," I questioned again.
"Adam," she spoke. Adam was my best friend.

After he did it with my other best friend/ girlfriend that was the end for Adam me and Alex.
"Rocky?," A voiced called dragging me out of my trance. I was backstage on the couch with Alex.
"Alex?," I asked.
"hi Rocky," she said.
"w-what are you doing here?," I stuttered.
"well I-i um..." that's when I noticed it. She was fiddling with a ring on her right hand.
"married?," I questioned. She switched her gaze from me to the ring.
"engaged," she answered and slipped her hands into her pocket.
"congratulations," I said.
"look. I know we haven't talked in nine years but... I really want you at my wedding. I think Adam would too," she said.
"Adam is your fiancé?," I asked and she nodded.
"I know you know my dad died when I was thirteen so... I want you to give me away. You were always like a dad to me. Anyway... just think about it." Before I could say anything else she got up and left me thinking;
" I was always like a dad to her?"

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