Freak in the Bottle Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

“Why are we running?” Jackie asked while we were running through the woods to the house. “Can’t you just FLASH us home?” I was out of breath but somehow managed to answer.

“I can’t do any magic unless it is a wish made by my master, or with perfect intentions to help my master,” I said quickly. Jackie just stared at me.

“This IS helping your master!!!” She yelled. I had to explain to her that I would be going in the direction opposite of Casey to do this and therefore it would not be PERFECT intentions to help her. All of a sudden, it dawned on me!!

“Jackie!” I yelled “I have an idea! Once we get home, you can grab my bottle, then you will be my master and I will have to grant YOUR wishes and we can save Casey faster!” Jackie was hesitant, but she finally agreed. When we got to the house, Jackie and I ran up to Casey’s room and grabbed my bottle. Once she picked up my bottle, I could feel the universe shift as my master changed. “You are my master, your every wish is my command,” I said once she had both hands on my bottle.

“I wish we were…,” Jackie started “Wait! Where is our first stop?” I thought about that for a moment. Then, I crossed my arms, bowed my head and did a long slow blink.

                When my eyes opened I was in a small hut with tons of magical items on shelves. “Where are we?” Jackie asked in awe. I smiled as I thought about the memories of this place, but I remembered too much.

                Chaos surrounded the city of Cairo. Millions of people were running around screaming. In the middle of it all a beautiful round building stood proud and tall, it seemed like it was a prank, everybody was so scared, and the whole city was being destroyed, and this building was sitting there completely unharmed. All of a sudden a bright light flashed on top of the building and an evil laugh was heard throughout the city. The fires burned brighter. When the smoke died down from the roof of the building, a tall man with an evil look on his face appeared. “I am SET!” the man yelled “I am the god of evil, you citizens of Cairo, have upset the gods! I am here to make you PAY!” and with that he loosed a savage pack of Set Animals on the city.

I shuddered and as soon as the memory faded, I passed out. That was one of the worst days of my life, it was the reason I was in the desert when I found the Blue Djinn’s bottle. Set, the Egyptian god of evil, had destroyed my hometown. All except for this building, this was where I spent most of my free time before I was turned into a genie. The place was cursed though; it could not be destroyed, so it was left as a reminder of that horrible day for every person in all of Egypt. Nobody who knew that story was still alive, except for me, and I have always WISHED that I could get rid of it.

When I woke up, Jackie was standing over me with a worried look on her face. “What happened?” I asked “How long was I out?” Jackie let out a sigh of relief and smiled.

“You smiled like you were remembering a wonderful memory,” she started “Then, your eyes rolled back into your head, you were shaking and making a lot of horrible noises, I thought you were being possessed! Then, you shuddered and fainted for about five hours! I was just getting ready to look up the number for the hospital here in Cairo!” I couldn’t believe it! Jackie was starting to act like Casey, or was Casey acting like the old Jackie? I didn’t have time to dwell on that however, I needed to get my supplies and find Medusa!

                I jumped up and ran over to one of the shelves and grabbed a backpack to carry all of the supplies. The first things I grabbed were a sword, a bow and arrows, and two shields. Then, I grabbed a map and two small mirrors. “What are the mirrors for, Jason?” Jackie asked. I didn’t take my eyes off the shelves while I explained how to angle the mirrors so we can look at Medusa and not get turned to stone. Jackie looked like she understood so I just kept looking. I needed one more thing and I knew it was there SOMEWHERE. Then, my hand scraped across something round.

                “FOUND IT!!!!!” I yelled as I pulled out a mini telescope. “Here is the spyglass I need!!” I stuffed it in my bag and pulled Jackie out before something bad could happen. “Okay Jackie,” I said “We need to go before-” my sentence was cut short as a red light flashed and then a tall man with an evil look on his face appeared with a vicious animal that looked hungry. “Too late,” I said as I pulled Jackie back into a corner just as the man said, “You two will be too easy to kill,” then he turned to his animal “Set animal, bring them to me, it is time they learn where the word TORTURE came from,” and with that the animal grabbed us and the man snapped his fingers. The next thing I saw was nothing.

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