Freak in the Bottle Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

                “Let us go!” Jackie yelled at Set, “Why are you doing this?!” she was asking him while struggling to untie herself from the ropes that were holding us down. Set laughed. I always hated Set, and when he laughed, he always seemed to take the form of your greatest fear.

                “You silly mortal,” Set teased. “It is no use, those binds are enchanted. You are not released unless a new prisoner will take your place,” I was sitting there with my head down, trying to think of a plan. All of a sudden a light bulb came on. I decided to focus on the ropes and I bowed my head and did a long slow blink. When my eyes reopened, I was still sitting in the ropes with Jackie. “You either, Genie,” Set said to me “They are magic proof!!” He laughed even more. “I’m surprised, Jason” Set cooed “I didn’t think you would ever come back here, especially with the curse that has been put on the city, and I can’t believe that you would EVER bring a master of yours here!” He smiled evilly. I couldn’t remember what he meant, but I knew if I thought about it for too long, I would have a flashback. I tried to clear my mind but I was already feeling lightheaded and then I saw the building once again.

                The beautiful round building in Cairo was still standing strong and all the citizens were kneeling in front of a statue of Isis. “Oh Isis,” the people chanted “Please help us! We need to escape the wrath of Set! Please!”  The people then laid offerings of gold, silk and cats by the statue. Then, the heavens boomed with thunder and a female voice sang out from the clouds.  “It is I, Isis” the voice said “I have heard your cries and now I offer assistance,” Then, a tunnel of red clouds appeared and Set walked out. “As if I’d EVER do that!”  Set said in the same female voice we’d heard earlier. “I told you incompetent mortal the last time I was here,” Set explained with a horrible growl in his voice “You are to worship ME and ONLY ME, or you will suffer the consequences!” Then, Set snapped his fingers and another clap of thunder roared through the heavens, this time followed by a horrible disturbance in the universe that only the magical beings would be able to sense. This was infuriating, how could he do such a thing!?         “You CURSED US!” I yelled at Set, automatically wishing that I hadn’t done so.

                “Well, look who we have here,” Set said with a horribly evil niceness in his voice, “A genie, no wonder you are so worried,” Set mused “This is the meeting place for the genies, well now I have another idea and you’ll LOVE it,” Then, Set laughed as he snapped his fingers and another loud clap of thunder sounded, followed by another disturbance. “This building is now my new temple,” Set called out “It will no longer allow and magical beings inside, everything inside will be considered offerings to me! Along with anybody inside now, or who EVER dares to venture inside this now cursed temple!”  And with that, Set left, while his never ending laugh echoed throughout Cairo.

                I suddenly felt all the eyes of all the genies in Cairo turn to me. By opening my magically big mouth at Set, I had just doomed all the genies in ALL of Egypt! Then, Nefertiti , the Chief Lector of the House of Life, approached me. “Jason,”  Nefertiti said with a stern edge in his voice. “By revealing to Set that he had put a curse on Cairo, you have cost most of the genies in the world a home, for this you will be punished severely,” I hung my head in shame as I got ready for my punishment to be announced without any discussion between the others, which was NEVER good. “You are now exiled from the city of Cairo and the House of Life-Genie alliance, and if you EVER enter this building, you will be sacrificed to Set, without any hesitation,” Then, Nefertiti  turned to the crowd, “Should Jason come back for some reason, anyone who helps Jason shall suffer the same consequences that were put on him today! And with that said, the deal is made by the Power of the Duat and by the Balance of Ma’at and Isfet!” Then, the heavens boomed once again, and I was sucked into my bottle, and thrown into the winds to be taken into exile to wait for my next master.

                I came out of my trance and once again I fainted and couldn’t believe what I had just done. I was exiled from this place and I had made a deal never to come back or I would be sacrificed to Set, and I had completely forgotten the whole deal and the horrible pain from that day.

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