Freak in the Bottle Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Casey’s POV

The morning I was kidnaped was the worst day ever. I had just gotten my first acting job the night before, and I couldn’t sleep anymore the next morning when I woke up a 5 am. When I woke up, I was immediately grabbed from behind by two giant blue hands. I tried to scream, but I couldn’t open my mouth. I was dragged outside to a small patch of dirt in my backyard and then I saw my kidnapper. He was a tall man in clothes much like Jason wears. His skin was a bluish color and it took me about five minutes to realize who he really was.

“Oh my GOSH!” I screamed, “You’re the BLUE DJINN!!!!! What are you doing here!?” he chuckled, flashing me an evil grin and then his blue-green eyes.

                “You ARE Jason’s new master,” he said with a very excited edge to his voice. “Finally, after all these years, I am going to get my revenge on Jason!!” He screamed followed by an evil laugh.

                “What do you mean ‘I can get revenge’?” I screamed at him, getting a little too protective of Jason. “You trapped HIM! He should be getting revenge on YOU!!!” The Blue Djinn chuckled again.

                “THAT’S what he told you!?” He said, obviously amused. “He really needs to work on his lies,” When he saw I was still confused he smiled again. “I DID trap him in his bottle, but only because I was FORCED to,” The Blue Djinn explained, “He didn’t understand that, so he got upset and changed me,” He paused and looked himself over, “I used to be just as normal as any other genie could be, but Jason was so upset, he made my skin blue, he made the whites of my eyes blue, he even made my TEETH blue!” The Blue Djinn said with a very angry edge to his voice. I suddenly noticed his blue teeth. “I was NEVER able to be treated as I should have been, all because of JASON! I should be the most POWERFUL genie in the world! But my own father, the KING of the Magic Realm, DISOWNED ME because of JASON!!!!!! This is all HIS fault and I will stop at NOTHING to make sure he gets what he deserves!” The Blue Djinn sat down and sobbed. I couldn’t help but feel sorry for him. This was all Jason’s fault!! He had the right to be angry and get revenge. I walked over and gave him a hug. I was so preoccupied in making sure he was happy, I didn’t see his fingers crossed behind his back, or his smirk that he wore as soon as I started saying how angry I was at Jason.

Jason’s POV

                A few moments after I had been dragged into the forest, I started waking up. When I completely opened my eyes, I saw a beautiful woman looking down at me with some nectar and ambrosia. “Who are you?” I asked still a little dazed from being knocked out in the forest. She smiled at me.

                “I am Lenaura,” she said in a very song like voice. “I have been assigned to you to make sure you are comfortable,” I was extremely confused.

                “What do you mean?” I asked “I thought this was the Isle of the Creatures! I was being dragged through the woods by a hellhound and now I’m supposed to be kept HAPPY!? This makes NO SENSE!!!” she smiled.

                “The goddess Nut was watching over you,” She said very sweetly “She then called me to retrieve you and bring you here, to here palace in the sky. She will be here in a few moments. Would you like anything to eat or drink?” She smiled sweetly. I shook my head and then I heard a door open and close and a woman with dark skin and spots on her body that shined like stars.

                “Lady Nut,” I breathed while I was bowing, “Thank you very much for saving me! I am ETERNALLY grateful,” She smiled and waved me towards a seat. She sat down next to me.

                “I could not stand to see you suffer any more than you already have,” Nut said sweetly “I saw the hellhound grab you and drag you into the woods and I knew you had no chance, so I sent Lenaura to bring you here,” I absently rubbed the back of my head. “Sorry about that,” Nut smiled. “Lenaura isn’t always the best at traveling with passengers,” I laughed and said it was fine. It was  so peaceful in Nut’s sky palace that I had completely lost my train of thought, until she mentioned one word, “Nefertiti,” Then, I stood up with enough force to blow an elephant back five miles.

                “NEFERTITI!!! How is he!? Is he okay!!?? AND WHAT ABOUT JACKIE!!???” I asked with perhaps a little too much worry in my voice.

                Nut looked at me with the same expression she always wears, but what was that in her eyes? Was that WORRY I saw in her eyes for just a brief moment?! “All will be revealed in a matter of time, but for now, sleep,” Nut said as she waved her hand in front of my face and I slowly drifted to a deep sleep.

                “He’s asleep,” Nut said in a manly voice. He looked at Lenaura, “Face of Horror,” he said as they both morphed into their true forms. “Take him and put him in the bedroom we use for 'relxation', I’ll be there in a moment,” he smiled evilly as his Rooster-faced demon picked me up and threw me in a room and turned a knob to the position that read “Amnesia”  

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