When things get confusing - 5

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My eyes snapped open but i stayed still as I felt arms wrapped around me, I slowly looked around the room and took in my surrondings, there was a TV on a table, Books lying all over the floor with clothes. I was about to go back to sleep when I suddenly realise, this isn't my room. I was so close to sitting up then remembered the arms that were holding me still. Where am i? Why I'm here and... how did I get here? It then clicked, I was in Liam's bed. I looked back craning my neck to try and see his face without waking him. He had one of his arms wrapped underneath me and holding on to my waist and his other was gently placed on my breast, I didn't Know what to do so I tried to go back to sleep without waking him.


I opened my eyes slowly and smiled as I saw Lucy still sleeping, she had curled up towards me in a 'c' shape, I the realise where my hand was. I sharply gasped then held my breath as I tried to remove it without her knowing. At that point she rolled over to face me,

"You finally realised?" She said grinning at me smugly,

"I don't know what you mean!" I exclaimed back trying to keep my cool but my heart was speeding up, I had never seen her first thing in the morning, her hair was messed around her face and a few streakes of mascara on her cheek from where tears had ran down her face. I raised my hand and wiped it away with the pad of my thumb, she closed her eyes as I did so,

"You told her." Lucy whispered to me with her eyes peacefully shut and leaning towards me,

"I told her that I kissed someone else, I promise I didn't tell her it was you though." She then smiled at me and gently opened her eyes,


"Yes Lucy." Oh god please don't say it, please don't make me say it,

"Why did you kiss me?"

Great, she's going to make me say it.

"I... just did, I guess..." It had sounded like a question, I hope she hasn't realised how bloody nervous she is making me feel. She let a small smile play on her lips before pushing the duvet off herself and getting out, she turned back to me quickly. Smirking she said,

"Really? That's not the messege I was getting." I looked at her puzzled before replying

"What do yo-" I saw her looking and I quickly glanced down and fell off the bed as I tried to cover it with my hands, at that point I pushed her out the way and ran to the bathroom. I could hear her laughing through the door, I came out and wrapped my arms round her waist and picked her and spun her around. she kicked her legs out in protest whilst screaming and punching me lightly in the arm, I dropped her and she fell to her knees before standing back up and jumping onto my back but it went wrong and she ended up sitting on my hip.

"You are really light Luc! I think we need to go and put some food down ya." I started walking out my room and down the stairs, I looked at Lucy's face and she had her eyes shut tightly so that little wrinkles formed at the corner of her eye. As I took the first step down I felt her arms tighten around me and I responded by tightening my grip around her body to try and make her feel safer. I heard some mumbeling and realised Lucy was talking but it had been muffled by my shirt, she raised her head slightly and repeated,

"Liam, your holding my arse." I widened my eyes as I realised she was right, one of my hands were tightly holding onto her arse and the other on her hip, I instantly slipped it forward onto her thigh but she spoke again,

"I didn't telly you to stop." She said trying to hold back her laughter so I returned her joke by placing my hand back and slapping her arse and saying,

"Better?" If she had her eyes open then she probobly would have seen me wink at her.


Liam handed me a bowl filled with rice crispies and milk, I picked up the spoon already placed in the bowl and lifted it to my mouth and started eating. We didn't say a single word whilst eating I just kept picturing Liam winking at me, I don't think he realised that I saw him do that I thought to myself. Once we finished though i said to him,

"Liam, how did I get into your bed last night?"

"Oh dirty," he replied but then saw the seriousness in my eyes and said straight faced,

"I knew you went to the park so I followed you but I found you asleep so i just picked you up and brought you here."

"You didn't think of dropping me off at home?"

"Nah, wouldn't have been as fun." I shook my head and laughed at him. He was just looking at me, he just sat there looking, searching my face for emotion looking at my eyes, hair, just studying my face. I don't now why he has known me for ages why would he need to descover what I look like again?

"Are you done looking?"

"hmm? Oh right, sorry."

"Why are you sorry?"

"Because I was just... staring at you!" He said this like it was against the law or something so I just smiled in reply.


When I finally got home it was 5PM I had spent most the day with Liam, I went to my room and got into a pair of giraffe pyjamas and then went downstairs and made some macaroni and cheese for my dinner. I quickly ate it all before going back upstairs and instantly falling asleep.


I woke up at 7AM the next morning and I put on my school uniform ready to go and face the world again, my mum was still dropping me off at school and when I finally got there I held my head high and walked through a large group of year 11's straight into the school where I went to my locker and pushed my coat in. I then went over to my form room ready for the registar, I sat next to a group of girls that I knew a little bit,

"Hey Lucy."

"Heya everyone." I replied cheerfully before being silenced by the teacher.

The bell rang and I left the classroom and made my way over to Maths but I never got there, Selena had pushed me into the girls toilets.

"Bitch! That is what you are! I am telling you know stop wasting your time he would never go for anyone like you!"


"Do be thick, you know that we broke up!"

"Did I?"

"Yes, you obviously did, but I'm telling you know to leave him alone! He will come running back to me as soon as he figures out what is going on in his head." She pushed me down onto the floor and I pushed my self up and leant against the wall below the hand dryer, she gave me an evil gaze before looking in the mirror and fluffing her hair up then walked out. I was gawping, literly. I think I almost felt the floor with my jaw. I opened up my bag and pulled out my phone,



send to Liam

Me:Heya, did you and selena break up?

Liam: Yeh why?

Me: meet me by the main door in 5 minutes

Liam: oooh ditcher

Me: yeh thats me ;)

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