When things get confusing - 12

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I walked in to the main gates of the hell hole called school when I suddenly felt atight grasp around my arm and drag me backwards towards a wall, no wait, behind the wall. This can't be good! I turned snapping their hand of my arm to see Laura beaming at me.

"What are you so happy about?"

"You left your own party 40 minutes early with Liam!"

"Well he was staying round mine!"

"Not 40 minutes early though."

"That's... that;s not the point!"

"Oh my god! you smooched didn't you?"

"Smooched? You make it sound so... disgusting!"

"You did didn't you! Was he good? Did you see his six pack?"

"Laura where do you get this information! He doesn't have a six pack."

"Really?" She said geniunlly interested.

"Yep. No six pack, just a um... eight pack." I mumbled the last bit very quietly but she still heard me and screamed in my ear.

"You so did! Did you... y'know do it?" I almost choked before replying.

"Nooooo. No we did not have sex thank you very much."

"Damn it!" I shook my head at her before turning to go back into the school when I bumped into something, I'm sure there wasn't a wall there when we came here.

"So... you kissed Liam eh?"

Shit. That wasn't a wall no this was far worst, it was Selena.

"Are you going to answer me?"

"That is none of your business!"

"So you did? Very interesting, Liam's standards have obviously gone down."

"Love, they went down the day he met you!" She gasped before whipping her body round and stomping off.

"Owneeeeeed!" Laura screamed after Selena I couldn't help but laugh at her response. She followed me over to the gates and we walked in to our first lesson since we had missed our tutor time. We walked into Biology and went over to the back row with Laura, I was suddenly wishing that I was in the year above or someone else was a year younger... I reached down under the desk and pulled my bag onto my lap and took a glance at my phone looking up every now and then to check the teacher wasn't coming over her. I had a text surprise surprise. I opened the box and read it,

To: Lucy

from: Liam

i HATE pe! help me now!

to: Liam

from: lucy

nope you can suffer through it by yourself go have fun running round with a load of sweaty dudes!

To: Lucy

from: Liam

and fit sweaty girls

To Liam

from: Lucy

Get OUT of that lesson now! ;)

To: Lucy

From: Liam


To: Liam

From: Lucy

Oh but you have to save me from Biology! I can't stand it I would much rather see lots of fit sweaty guys thank yooouuuuu

I snappd my phone shut and looked up to see the teacher standing over the desk watching me text. shit.

"Hey miss, how ya doing?"

"I'm good thanks! How about you?"

"oh, I'm great miss!"

"Really? Sure you wouldn't rather be in PE with lots of fit sweaty guys?

"I don't know what you mean miss?"

"Hand over the phone Lucy and you can get it at the end of the day."

"But... I... fine."

I reluctantly handed over my phone and sighed before plopping my bag on the floor and suffered through Biology whilst Liam had fun in pe with a load of girls throwing themselves at him, greeeaaaat! I almost laughed to myself at that point. I don't own him, deffinatly not so why was I feeling so protective? Confused much!


I walked out of Biology to see Liam standing by the door, he was looking down at his phone hiding it from any nearby teachers, he had his shoulder leaning on the wall by the door. I sighed and smiled at his position, he was waiting for me, he had obviously left PE early to see me and make my day so much more enjoyable. I couldn't help  but grin so much before I went over to him and wrap my arms around his waist and he jumped in surprise and smiled at me when he realised who it was. I linked his fingers with mine, rubbing his thumb along my hand and we walked out to the cafeteria together.

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