When things get confusing - 22

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She was so beautiful, I watched as her hips swung rhythmicly as she walked away from my house with the corner of my shirt poking out the side of her bag, I knew she had taken it but I liked the fact that she wanted my clothes. I smiled to myself before heading back inside and shut the door behind me, I made a secound bowl of cereal and sat on the sofa whilst turning on the TV. Blah blah blah, news news news, stalker, murderer etc. etc. awww 50th anneversary and adverts. Well that was super fun! I walked over to the kitchen and opened the cupboard to get something to eat when I heard quiet footsteps behind me, I was about to turn around when I heard a high pitched scream which made me jump out of my skin then instantly wince at the shooting pain to my shoulder.

"Did you do it?"

"Do what?" I asked my mother,

"Did you ask her out? Confess your love for her! Be all romantic? I saw her walking away with your shirt in her bag, and you need to tell her to be more subtle by the way she was grinning like that annoying chesire cat from Alice in wonderland, I am genuinlly surprised her cheeks didn't split in two!"

"Ok! Calm! Yes, I asked her out, I didn't confess my love for her... er... too soon, I guess you could say it was romatnic? Yes, she had my shirt, and was she really smiling...? Like, loads?"

"Yes! She was smiling so freakin' much!"

I smiled to myself before I felt a hand smack me round the head and then grab my hair, I tried to shake her away when she brought my face close to hers,

"You hurt her and trust me, there will be another bullet going through you and this hair?" She tugged slightly more before carrying on, "Will no longer be on your head."

I gulped loudly before nodding and then I felt a relief on my head as my Mum walked away and then turned around and pointed at herself, then her eyes and over at me which forced me to gulp once more before slowly tudging upstairs to my room. I snapped open my phone and quickly plugged it into my computer and pulled up the files, searching through my photos I came to the one I had taken last night of her sleeping, she had her lips slightly parted and her make-up a bit messy wih her hair in a loose bun, sleeping so peacefuly. She would probobly hate it if I showed her this picture but I love it, she looked so beautiful. I then pressed print and once it had finished a pulled a piece of bluetak from the pack and stuck it onto my wall before crashing down onto my bed and putting my hands behind my head and simply looing at the picture of her. It wasn't nearly as beautiful as her but, it would do until I can see her next.


I walked down the road towards my house, I pulled out my phone and went on facebook to see what had happened recently, slag lost her virginity, break up, get together, lots of sweet yet annoying photos from my likes, they really are un neccesery but oh well. BAM! Ow! Wait, what? How the hell did I just walk into my front door? I rubbed my head better but walked in at the same time and went sraight upstairs, i carefully laid Liams t shirt under my duvet so no one would find it, I then went downstairs to get something to eat when my mu appeared from no where,

"No way!"


"Did he ask you out?"

I felt a blush creeping up into my cheeks as I said,


"Oh, come on! Don't play stupid with me! Did Liam ask you out!?"


I slowly wondered off whilst biting my bottom lip when my mum grabbed my shoulders and shook me back and forth,

"OH MY GOD! He did, didn't he!"

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