When things get confusing - 26

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I walked out of my lesson and straight towards the quickly filling cafeteria, I went to the counter and payed for a alive of pizza and went over to the table with Liam and all his friends. I gave him a quick peck on the lips as I sat down and started eating my pizza,  

"Hey Luc." 

He smiled at me and I returned it, I would have replied but my mouth was currently full of pizza, he chuckled slightly before looking over my shoulder and smiling, I turned to see Laura heading out way. I smiled at er and said hey. 

"lucy! Toilets now!" 

"but I'm eating!" 


She grabbed me and my bag and dragged me up forcin me to drip my pizza I squealed slightly before obeying Laura. 

"why do you want me to come to the toilets?" 

"'cos I needed to do my make up an I didn't want to look like a loner." 

I looked at her bored but she didn't get the message so I copied by pulling out my make up bag and re applying my foundation. When Laura was finished she skipped out leaving me standing alone. I gawped after her before picking up all my stuff, I was about to leave when Selena walked in, 

"Hey Lucy." 

"Hi Selena." 

"I need to talk to you." 

"Go for it." 

I answered trying to sound un-impressed, 

"How's Liam?" 

"Yeah, he's fine." 

"that's good, look Lucy honestly I wanted to warn you, be careful. I know that I've never been nice to you but I'm saying this as... A... Friend." 

She gulped at the word but carried on, 

"Get away from him." 


"Seriously Lucy, he's a player, he is used to getting with girls, taking what e wants and leaving. You know that as well as anyone else." 

"No he wouldn't do that to me." 

"that's what I thought." 

"well then why do you keep running after him then?" 

"because I've been through heart break enough and he is damn good in bed and I'm willing to risk and small amount of tears to know that again, to feel loved for just a couple of hours." 

I sighed a repeated myself, 

"No Selena, he wouldn't do that to me." 

"Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you!" 


I muttered under my breath as I exited the toilets, Liam would never do that to me... would he?


Three days. That's how long I haven't talked to Liam for. He's called, texted, left voice messages everything but tried to actually talk to me. I slowly walked towards my class and sat in my chair, I felt Laura poke me several times before I snapped my head round, 


"Why are you ignorning Liam."

I shot her a confused look, trying to look innocent,

"Liam! Y'know your boyfriend! Lucy I don't know wether your trying to prove something to yourself or even Selena but get over it!" 

"There is a reason for everything Laur." 

"That's bull and you know it." 

I groaned at her but she carried on, what was with all these talks trying to tell me what to do! 

"Lucy! Listen to me, your 16 he's 17 and you haven't had sex... Right? Oh lord please tell me I'm right Luc." 

"no we haven't had sex." 


I looked at her confused, 

"He doesn't need you to give yourself up for him for him to know how much he loves you. No one has ever had the same kind of of chemistry as you two." 

"Then why hasn't he tried talking to me!" 

"Don't make up excuses or reasons to bead at him when there arn't any, you don't owe Selena anything so why the hell is it so important to you that you ignore him? Are you leading him on, making a fool of him or yourself? Or... Or maybe your just being a stubborn freakin' bitch!" 

"Shut up Laura!" 

I stood up and with my bags stormed out the classroom. I felt my phone go off and I ignored it again, I so badly wanted to speak to Liam but I couldn't I don't know why but I just couldn't. The production was tomorrow night and I felt like I needed to tell him I was there but something was stopping me. Suddenly I felttwo strong arms wrap around my shoulders, 

"Hey Luc, are you gunna talk to me now?" 

I sighed deeply and turned around to face him, out of the corner of my eye I could see Selena smirking, two can play at that game, 

"oh Liam!" 

I practically threw myself at him and kept on whining, 

"I just feel so bad for... Ignoring you." 

"oh Lucy no it's my fault! I should have payed you more attention, I should have come to your house to try and talk to you. In the few days we haven't talked it's made me love you even more, I need you Lucy, more than anything please forgive me!" 

"it's ok Liam I forgive you," 

I leaned forward so my head was resting his shoulder, I breathed definitely down his neck and gently said, 

"you can pay me back later." 

He shuddered slightly at my words and I knew I was in control so I took his hand in mine and walked straight past Selena, 

"oh hey Selena!" 

She leaned forward and said something only I could hear, 

"I knew you would give in to him, just remember what I said hunny, your just another girl." 

I laughed at her as if she had said a joke but only me and Selena really knew why I was laughing and I walked away with Liam shooting me curious glances and Selena sending daggers in my direction, oh if looks could kill.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2012 ⏰

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