Seeing Spirits Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

I woke up to feeling a familiar vibe. I opened my eyes and saw the girl that I'm going to help watching me with a small smile on her face.

I smiled and said "Hey what are you doing here?"

She sighed and said "Close your eyes. I have to show you something."

I nodded and closed my eyes and felt the change in my surroundings immediately.

I opened my eyes and saw that we were in the middle of the woods. I looked at the girl and said "What are we doing here?"

She took a deep breath and said "This is where I was raped and murdered."

I took a sharp intake of breath and said "Oh my god I'm so sorry."

She nodded and said "Please don't worry about it now I just need to tell you that you may want to start here because you may find where my blood is."

I nodded and said "Alright I will."

She smiled and said "Thank you Jessie for everything."

And just like that I was back in Ethan's room and she was gone.

I looked around and saw that Ethan was asleep and Sadie and Teragon were at the end of the bed watching me with their heads down.

I sighed and crawled back in bed only to be pinned down by Ethat.

I struggled and said "Ethan let me go please."

He looked at me and asked "Where were you?"

I sighed and said "The spirit that I need to help came by and showed me where she was raped and murdered. It was in the woods somewhere but she told me to try and find some of her blood and that may help some."

He continued to keep me pinned down as he said "Are you sure you're not lying to me Jessie?"

I looked up into his eyes and said "I would never lie to you Ethan. I love you too much to do that."

He sighed and released his grip and once he did I straddled him and said "Did you think that I'd let you get away after what you did to me?"

He chuckled and said in a sarcastic tone "No why would I think something like that?"

I fake glared at him and he laughed before pulling me down on him and kissed me firmly but gently on my mouth.

I sighed against his mouth and said "I love you Ethan. I swear to god you're the only guy for me."

I sat up to look at him and saw that there was pain in his eyes.

I was about ask him what was wrong but he held up his hand and said "Jessie I'm sorry but I think we need some time apart."

I got off of him and said "What do you mean by that exactly Ethan?"

He sighed and said "I mean get the hell out of my house. I don't want to see your face for a while Jessie."

I flinched at his words and said "Ok fine."

I grabbed Teragon and Sadie and lead them out the door. Before I walked out I looked back at Ethan and said "If you had a brain then you'd realize how much I need you right now. I love you Ethan but it's clear to me that you only wanted me for sex."

Before I gave him a chance to speak I walked out of his bedroom door and out of his life.

I walked home and dropped my dogs off before going to the lake a few miles from my house.

It didn't take me until just now to cry my eyes out.

I sat on the ground and let the tears flow from my eyes.

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