Seeing Spirits Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Waking up the next morning I could feel another presence around me.

I looked around and saw that Luke was asleep on one of the chairs.

I smiled softly but remembered yesterday and I felt tears in my eyes as I slowly closed them to let my pain fall.

Seconds later I felt something warm wrap around me and then he spoke.

"Are you ok? You're not in any pain are you?"

I sighed and said "Physically no but mentally yes."

Luke sighed and said "What's wrong?"

My eyes were still closed and I decided to tell him the truth.

"It's just hard to live when no one cares about you. My brother hates my guts and my ex thinks I'm a slut when he's the only guy I've been with."

Luke sighed and said "That's not really true Jess. I saved you even though I don't know you and I care about you."

My eyes snapped open and I said "How can you say you care about me when you don't even know me?"

He looked straight at me and said "Because I know how you're feeling. I know what it's like to feel like no one cares about you but in the end someone does."

I thought about what he said then sighed before saying "Do you have an ex or something?"

He shook his head and said "No I've never had a girlfriend before."

I chewed my bottom lip before asking "Why did you save me?"

Luke took my hand and said "Because I didn't want you to do something that you couldn't take back. To be honest I like you and you're too pretty to die."

I softly smiled and said "Thank you Luke for everything."

He smiled and said "Anytime I just hope you're ok with what I said."

Chuckling I said "Sure it's fine with me."

We talked for a while until my door opened and when I saw who it was my heart felt like it fell to the floor.

In the door stood my ex.


Luke got up and said "She doesn't want you here so you need to leave."

Ethan glared at Luke and said "Get out of my way skinny nerd."

Luke stood his ground and Ethan grabbed him by his collar and threw him out of his way.

I gasped as Luke hit the wall and all I could wonder is if he was ok.

Ethan chuckled before turning back to me and saying "Get your shit packed, you're coming with me."

It took me a little while to register on what he was doing but when I did figure it out I was pissed off.

I glared at Ethan and said "Why don't you go shove that thing you call a dick up your ass and get the hell away from me Ethan. I am not coming with you and there's nothing you can do about it."

Ethan looked at me hurt and said "But Jess I love you."

I snorted and said "Oh cut the crap Ethan. You tell me you love me but all I am to you is a slut so just get the hell away from me I don't want you around me."

Ethan shook his head and said "Fine but I will get you back whether you like it or not."

He walked away leaving me to calm my breath enough to talk in a better state.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2010 ⏰

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