Beginning of a new Ending

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Did I get ya? Haha! I will b on this morning. But it's true Jamie did die. And I'm going to comfort my friend because she is taking it really hard:'( anyway here's your chapter:)

Elsa POV

It was midnight when Jack and I were all snow angeled out. We made our way up the stairs, hand in hand. I never thought that love would feel this good. When we kissed, my powers didn't do anything crazy without my say so.

When I am around Jack, I feel warm. I feel like a normal girl that never froze my sister. I feel like the perfect girl my father and mother always wanted. I feel free.

My thoughts were interrupted when Jack picked me up bridal style. "What are you doing Frosty?" I asked nervously.

"Let me ask the questions Elsy. Have you ever flown before?"

Oh no. "Jack I hate heights."

"Oh come on. It will be fun."

"Jack wait stop!" It was too late. We were already out the door and he was already up in the air. I screamed as he flew up higher in the air.

"Elsy. You can stop now."

I stop and looked down. We were up higher than the castle. Everything was so beautiful. I don't know why I was so afraid.

"Wow," I said, mesmerized.

"Yup. I always do this before I go to sleep. But it feels better with you," he said. I turned and looked at him. He brushed the hair out of my face and gave me a kiss on the cheek. then he said," Look up."

So I look up and I see the moon. It was a full moon. We were so close to it, well not really but I felt like I could reach out and touch it. I reached out to try and touch it, but with no luck. We weren't that close. When I tried again just for the sake of it, Jack laughed. "What are you doing?" he asked with that chuckle I love.

"Trying to touch the moon!" I said beginning to laugh.

"We aren't that close to Mr. Moon."

I looked at him. "Mr. Moon? You named the moon?"

He smiled and shook his head. "It's a long story. And you look tired. So I'll tell you tomorrow." And with that, we started to float down to the ground gently. And we walked back into the castle, the wonderful night slowly coming to an end.

Jacks POV

Elsa showed me where my room was. "Sorry if the bed is made of ice."

"It ok. I can make it turn to snow."

So I kissed her goodnight and watched as she went to her room. I turned and walked to the bed. It was already made of snow. Ok then. I laid down, with my staff on the wall next to me. Soon I feel into a deep sleep

DS (dream sequence)

I was in a dark room. I looked around, but I was alone. Suddenly, I start to panic because I don't have my staff. Where am I? Then I heard a scream. It sounded like Elsa.

"Elsa?! Where are you Elsa?!" I cried out. But she couldn't hear me.

"Hello Jack." Wait. I know that voice. But I have to make sure.

"Who are you? And what have you done with Elsa?!" I said. I feel stupid. I shouldn't have asked where Elsa was because Pitch would want her powers.

"It wouldn't have mattered if you mentioned her or not Jack Frost." Because I can read your thoughts.

My head started to hurt as pitch spoke in my mind. "What do you want Pitch?!" I said, trying to act like the pain didn't hurt.

"What do I want? Well let's see. I want you, along with the other Gaurdians, to surrender to me. Also..." suddenly, Elsa appeared in forint of me. She turned and saw me. I run to her, only to be thrown back. I landed on my back which caused me to lose my breath.

"Jack!" I heard Elsa scream.

"Shhh lovely. We don't want anything bad to happen to Jack now would we?" Angered, I sat up and saw Pitch holding Elsa by the chin, forcing her to look up at him.

"Don't touch her!" I yelled.

Pitch was suddenly behind her, holding a knife to her neck. "I can touch her. I can do whatever I want with her Jack. Because she is mine. Remember that Jack."

EDS (end dream sequence)

I sat up quickly and found myself sweating. I ran to Elsa's room and burst through the ice door which caused her to sit up violently.

"Jack! What happened? Why are you sweating?" she asked concerned.

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?"

"Yes wait who? What are you talking about Jack?"

I stood there breathing hard. "Nothing. was just a dream. I'm sorry to wake you up."

She got up and walked over to me. "Are you sure Jack? You scared me."

"Yeah I'm sure. Just....just go back to sleep." I gave her a long kiss and told her I loved her and went back to my room.

I laid on my bed staring at the ceiling. Why did Pitch say Elsa was his? It's obvious that he wants her powers. He wants control of them. I rolled over on my side, pushing away the thoughts that Pitch might be back. It was only a dream. Nothing more. I was on the verge of sleep when I heard Pitch's voice. Oh but it's not Jack Frost. It is only the beginning of the end of your world.


Pitch is back?!?! Whaaaaaattttt?!?!?
Yeah surprise! What will he do to Elsa? Will he succeed?


What do you think Pitch will do?

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