Has it begun?

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Hey jelsa shippers!
My fandom....*sniff*....so proud of y'all!

Fav comments:
Poor Jack!!!!! That sucks.... Elsa will be okay!!!!!!!! And awww sweet moments!!!!! I think Pitch will steal Elsa away. Thanks for updating!!! Can't wait for the next one!!:)

So sweet:) thank you all again for reading my book! And yesterday was successful! I cheered up my friend!! Yay! *highfive* ok yeah here's y'all's chapter!

Jacks POV

I don't know what to do. It was real. Pitch is back. The Gaurdians are too far away. If I leave for them, Pitch might come back and take Elsa. I sat on my bed, with no plans on how to deal with this situation. If I tell Elsa, she'll freak. If I don't, she'll know something's up and THEN freak when I am forced to tell her.

I guess I can just wing it. I grabbed my staff and walk out of the room. As I walk out the door, I run into Elsa. "Sorry Elsa," I say.

"Don't be," she replied with a smile. I try and smile normally, but I failed miserably. She frowned. "What's wrong Jack?"

"Nothing. Just tired."

She put her hands on her hips and gave me a 'I know somethings up so tell me or I will force you with my powers' look. I sighed. "Ok so let's start with my story." So I tell her how I became Jack Frost and how I saved my sister and the Gaurdians and how I first met Pitch.

Her eyes widened when I finally told her what happened last night. "What does he want with me?" she asked as soon I finished.

"I'm not sure." I hate lying to Elsa. But I have to.

"What if...what if he wants to use my powers....what if he makes me hurt Anna?!" she started to cry.

"Hey hey hey! Elsa don't think that." I take her in my arms and try to comfort her. But she pushed me away.

"No Jack! Please! Stay away. I...I don't want to hurt you." With that she ran back to her room, leaving frozen foot prints on the smooth ice floor.

Elsa POV

I shut the ice door to my room. I can't hurt him, I can't hurt Anna. I have to keep them safe.

My room doesn't really have a bed. Last night I made on, this morning I pushed it to a small corner in my room. I walk around in a circle underneath my ice chandelier. Then I hear a knock on the door. Oh no. Oh no oh no oh no oh no!

Keep it together Elsa. We don't want another mishap, I heard a voice say. I was about to answer, when I heard Jacks voice. "She doesn't want to see anybody. Please go away."

"Then why are you here?" I heard Anna question. Might as well go down.

I walk out of my room and find that Anna is on the stairs. "It's okay Jack."

Jack faces me. He smiles. He always told me I'd have to face my past sooner or later.

"Wow Elsa. You look.....different. I mean different as in good different!" She said in awe. "And this place is amazing!"

"I never knew what I was capable of."

"Your sister is really great at making snow angels too," said Jack, wanting in on the conversation.

"Anna this is Jack. Jack Frost. He's keeping me company," I said, gesturing to him.

"Hello! I'm Olaf! And I like warm hugs!" I heard an unfamiliar voice say. Suddenly a small snowman runs up and stands next to Anna.

"Olaf?" I ask.

"Yeah! You made me, remember?"

I look down at my hands. "I did? And your alive?"


Anna started to come up the stairs. "Elsa? I am sorry for-"

I started to panic. "No no! That's okay. All is forgiven Anna. Now please go back home."

"But Elsa I just got here."

"I know. And now you have to leave. I am trying to protect you."

"You don't have to protect me I'm not afraid!" Jack grabbed her arm, but she wiggled it out of his grip and went up five more steps. "Please don't shut me out again!"

I walk up more stairs that lead up to my room. She follows. "Because I understand for the first time in forever. And I'll be by your side for now on."

"Anna, please go back home. Your life awaits. Go enjoy the sun and open up the gates."

"Yeah but-"

"I know you mean well Anna, but please leave me be. I'm finally free from fear."

"Elsa please come home and unfreeze Arindalle!"

I turn and face her. "What?"

"Oops. Umm....you kinda set of an eternal winter....everywhere."

It started to snow around me. Anna saw it and said, "But you can come and unfreeze it!"

"No I can't Anna! I don't know how!"

"Sure you can! I know you can!"

I turn away from her and start breathing hard. The snow starts to swirl around me, faster and faster.

"We can reverse the storm you made Elsa!"

"Anna please you'll only make it worse!!"

"Don't panic, we can make the sun shine bright!"

"Your not safe here!"

She starts talking to me again, but I can't hear her. I don't want to hear her. I want her to get out. I want to...hurt her.

"I. CANT!" and with that the snow turn to ice and it went every where in the room. I didn't care if I hit Anna. She deserved it! I hear a gasp and I turn and see Anna on the ground. What was I thinking?! "Anna!"

"Anna!" Suddenly, a boy with blond hair ran to help Anna up. With him came Jack. Oh no. He looked at Anna, then at me. "Elsa. What happened?"

I can't talk to him right now. I turn to Anna and her friend. "Who is he? Wait no never mind. Just leave please Anna."

"No. I am not leaving you Elsa."

"Yes. You. Are." With that I made a giant snowman with a few patches of ice on its arms and legs. It took Anna and her friend in his giant hands and took them to the door.

"Elsa! What happened? Me and Kristof heard screaming so we came to see what happened."

He came towards me, but something pushed him back until he was out of the door. Then the door slammed shut.

"How did it feel Elsa?"

"Who are you?!"

"Oh silly me." Suddenly a man in all black appeared.

"My name is Pitch. Pitch Black."



What's gonna happen next? Nobody knows........well except me. Bc I'm writing it duh!

What are y'all's main 3 fandoms other than frozen?

Mine are hunger games, divergent, and teen titans.

Next update might be later today. Depends.....

I love reading y'all's comments so don't forget!!

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