Chapter One: A Rainy Love Story

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The rain pounded the windshield.

It was raining hard, so hard that the road ahead could not be really seen. The wipers were almost working overtime, and Sienna thought they would snap off any minute, which they won't. They were built for this stuff.

Roger was driving, away from the beach. The sudden downpour (which was predicted by the weatherman, but of course, beach party lovers ignored him) cancelled the party and now everyone was rushing back home. Sienna felt sad. She's been looking forward to the party for almost forever, and then the stupid rain came and ruined everything. Well, at least her hair didn't get wet. That would have been terrible.

They were listening to the radio when Roger suddenly shut it off. He had been getting easily irritated lately. Then in a terse voice, he began.

"We need to talk."

Sienna looked up. What? Why? Boys didn't say that. The girls did. But Roger was acting like Sienna had done something really wrong.

"What about?" She asked.

"I want to know if you really care about me, or I'm just some kinda toy you like showing off?"

"What are you saying? Of course I like you!" What was it with guys? They were so dumb that they couldn't see what was right in front of them, yet they were intelligent enough to get when girls were using them. Emma had just confessed that she might have let 'slip' that she was using Peter. Idiot.

"You know, Sienna, I'm not as dumb as I look. And I get when I'm being ignored or used. Girls have done that before."

"Really, Roger. You're over reacting. What is it with you?"

"You want honest? Fine. I don't like the fact that you spend so much time with your friends, particularly Striker. And no time for me. And I don't like that. As my girlfriend, you're supposed to be supporting me and stay with me, not frolicking with your friends."

"Woah, now you're just being possessive. It's not my fault that I'm, well, popular. And they are my best friends, Roger. They've been with me since fourth grade. I can't just ignore them to be with you. You have to be adjusting."

"Oh, I've been adjusting. For the past one year. And, oh yeah, this new school year too. You're fifteen, for God's sake, Sienna. You should be able to handle your friends and tell them to back off, since you're popular too."

"What's that supposed to mean? It doesn't even make sense! My friends mean everything to me! I'm not going to give that up for some lousy, possessive guy!" Sienna wanted to bite her tongue after that, but the damage was done. Roger stopped the car (he was sixteen, so he could drive with a learner's permit) and glared at her.

"You want to know why I dated you, Scott? I foolishly thought you were friends with Kelly Riker, and I thought if I dated you, I could get closer to her. Well, guess what? You are not her friend. But because I'm a gentleman, I didn't break up with you. Well, now, I do. You find me so lousy, maybe you can be without a boyfriend. Get out."

"Excuse me? In case you didn't notice, its pouring outside, and-"

"I can very well see that, which is why I want you out in it. Go get your pretty hair ruined for once. It's the least I can do."

"Wait, you're dumping me?"

"What do people say for obvious things? Right, got it. Duh!"

No way. No way on earth was a GUY dumping Sienna. That was like, a universal law or something. No one EVER did that.

But here Roger Davies was, dumping her, again over stupid Kelly Riker. God, she hated that bitch. God forbid if she came to know about this. She'd never let Sienna rest in peace.

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