Chapter Five: Summoned

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It was Tuesday morning.

Seriously, had only a day passed? Peter felt like a whole week had gone by. So much had happened yesterday it was hard to believe. He rushed out of his house because he was damn late. He'd practically been dragged out of bed by his mom. He crossed his fingers that Em hadn't already left for school. 

He reached her house and he crashed into her. She laughed. Yesterday's bad mood seemed to have vanished.

"Hey, you're late! What happened?" She said, as she straightened him and started walking.

"I, uh, got up late. Are we really late?"

"Nah, we have plenty of time. Are you sure you cleaned up?" She asked playfully.

"Please, Em. Just because I'm a guy doesn't mean I don't have a bath. I did. It was hasty, but I did clean up. Why are you so freaking happy?"

"Why, is it a crime?"

"Um, no. But yesterday, you were so..."

"Mad? Yeah, I was. I probably still am. But Si's joke was really cool. I was laughing till like late at night."

"Yeah, that was so cool. Felt a little sorry for Riker."

"You mean 'Dyker'."

"Hey, that's Si's joke. We won't advertise it."

"Whatever you say. Anyway, that's not why I'm so freaking happy."

"Why, what happened now?"

She smiled so widely that Peter, for a second, thought that maybe Ford had died. Then he erased that thought. He couldn't wish death on someone, no matter how much of a jackass that someone was. Karma always came around.

"O my god, Peter! I got selected for the debate!"

"What? Woah, no way!" The Inter School Debate Competition had been the hype for sometime. It was a prestigious event. Their school was competing with five other schools. It was really serious, and selection had been really hard.

"Congrats, Em! That's like...woah, I can't believe it."

"I know! Luke's been selected too."

"No doubt about it. His parents are lawyers for god's sake. That guy is amazing at arguing. Anyway, what's your topic?"

"Whether the on going war in Iraq makes sense or not. I'm against the motion."

"Woah, cool."

"Yeah, and I have a huge favour. Can you please do the research for me? Please? I have a ton of work to do."

"Sure. But I don't think that's the reason behind it."

"Ok, fine. You know I suck at arguing, basically, and well, Chris told me when I filled in that he wanted me to follow his viewpoints. After yesterday, I don't want to do anything with him. So please."

"Ok. I still don't get it why you're going out with him if you hate him so much."

"I'm not one of those type of girls, Peter. You know that. I need a good reason, and my theory about chauvinism isn't that concrete yet."

Peter wanted to make a biting retort, but he didn't want to spoil Emma's mood. While Em chattered about the debate, he thought of possible ways to bring Ford's chauvinism to light, to make Em break up with him.

They reached school, and made their way towards first period English. They didn't talk much, but since they were almost late, they hurriedly made their way. During class, an announcement was made that the debate finalists would be announced in the fourth period, just before lunch. He realized that Emma had illegally checked the results. He smiled to himself. Emma could be naughty if she put her mind to it.

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