Chapter Six

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Edited as of 7-24-17.

"Alright, class! Partner up now!"

Seto glanced around the room, halfheartedly searching. Everyone seemed to already have a partner. He sighed in relief. Maybe he'd get to work alone...

"Hey, Seto! Be my partner, okay?" He spluttered out a curse, the sudden voice startling him. Brice slid into the seat next to him, throwing an arm around his shoulders. Seto promptly tensed up, leaning as far away from the blonde as possible. He had to calm his rapidly quickening breathing, not wanting to trigger a reaction from Brice.

"I don't get a choice, do I?" He muttered, eyeing Brice. He had purposely been avoiding him ever since the... incident. The same went with all of the others. He was too afra- No. Not that. He wasn't here to make friends. That's what it was.

"Nope!" Brice flashed him that adorable grin, laughing. "Aw, don't act all pouty! Stop being cute so we can get to work." He let go of Seto, flipping to the page number instructed.

Cute? Seto could feel heat rising to his face, that familiar flash of anger causing his cheeks to burn brightly. "Not my fault I was born this way." His tone was dead serious, but Brice laughed anyways, taking it as a joke.

"Guess not. Okay. What's the difference between protons, neutrons and electrons?" Brice shifted the book over so Seto could see it too. The brunette snatched the book away, putting his face close to the page as he searched for the answer.

"Found it yet?" Brice leaned in, his cheek almost brushing against Seto's. They were so close, Seto could smell his breath, which was minty and frosty from the gum he was chewing. "If not, I think I have some ideas."

Jesus Christ, Seto thought, mentally rolling his eyes at himself. Someone save me from this boy. No, someone save this boy from me.


It was a repeat of last time. Except, this time, he was dragged over to the table, Brice gripping his hand firmly. All eyes were watching as the 'weird new kid' held hands with one of the most popular guys in school. Of course, this was against Seto's will, but nobody really knew that.

"Guys! This is Seto! He's going to be sitting with us, okay? Make room!" Brice plopped down, pulling the irritated Seto down with him.

"We know who he is, Brice." Ethan hummed, staring straight at Seto. The teenager stared right back.

"Hi, Seto." Sub greeted sweetly, smacking his boyfriend upside the head. "Baby, you're scaring him. Stop it."

"Ow." Ethan muttered, glaring at Sub, who giggled, clearly unfazed. Sub was immune to Ethan's intimidation.

"What's up? You liking this place so far?" Jerome asked. His gaze moved between Brice and Seto, noticing how small the space was between them, all while completely ignoring how uncomfortable Seto looked. He smirked, nudging Mitch, who was busy flirting with a girl.

"Yeah, biggums?" Mitch immediately turned away from the girl, who huffed in offense, his full attention on Jerome. He leaned in at Jerome's gesture, letting the boy whisper in his ear.

Seto rolled his eyes at the pouting girl. Quit your whining, brat.

He didn't even bother answering Jerome's first question.. Everyone seemed coupled off here, pairs of friends or lovers caught in their own little world. Brice was laughing at everyone and making stupid jokes, which were still somehow funny.
He felt so out of place.

Once you feel like you belong, that's when you should be worrying.

"Is Seto your real name?" The question was intended to be sweet. Ty blinked kindly at him, waiting patiently for an answer. "Sorry for asking, but it's such an unusual name. I was wondering if it was maybe a nickname?"

"It's a nickname." Seto stared at his food, wanting to hit the nosy male.



"What's your real name?"

Brice followed along with this conversation, head snapping back and forth.

"Um." This question caught him off guard. He blinked up at Ty, mouth suddenly dry as he wracked his brain for ideas. "Matthew...?" He tried, hearing a nearby table mention the name.

"You don't seem very sure." Ty laughed politely. "You look like a Matthew. Can I call you Matt?"

"I don't care."

"Okay." Ty nodded, smiling at him again before going back to talking to Adam.

"So. What do you think of them?" Brice whispered, his lips brushing against Seto's ear. He stiffened, as he always did when the blonde touched him. It was instinctive. He'd never liked being touched. "They're nice, right?" His breath tickled his neck, sending shivers down Seto's spine.

Oh for goodness fucking sake.

"Mhm." He forced out, his teeth grit. "Nice." Seto scooted away from Brice, only to be pulled right back in when an arm went around his waist. He remained stiff and rigid in his arms, wanting so badly to be let go. It took all of his self control not to freak out right then and there.

What is this human doing?

Why are humans so touch bb

Why are you LETTING him do this?!

Dammit, Seto! You're not here to make friends! There's no time for this!

(Remember, Ethan pretty much erased anything and everything they knew about Seto's magic. ;P
Oh-and remember. The Sorcerer has a job. He's not here to make friends. ;))

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