Chapter Ten

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 TW: Homophobic Slurs (used in a friendly way) but don't let that scare you away cause this is a good chapter ;)

Since their meeting, Brice and Adelina had quickly grown close. In less than a week, they had already become best friends. She now sat at their table on the other side of Brice, and more often than not, he was turned towards her and all but ignoring Seto.

And dare he say, it was making him mad.

Everyone and their mom seemed to be picking up on it. Everyone except Brice. Even Adelina noticed, and she went great measures to avoid the infuriated teenager, while at the same time purposely trying to annoy him.

It was irritating, but bearable. Seto could tolerate her presence. He refused to speak to her, and vice versa. And of course, Brice was oblivious to their little feud.

"You're jealous, aren't you?" Taylor asked him one day in class. She smirked at his expression, wiggling her eyebrows. "It's really obvious."

"I am not jealous." He scoffed in response, shooting her a solid glare. "Shut up and do your work, you useless dyke."

"Nah. Let's talk about you and your gay ass boyfriend, faggot."

"It doesn't work for you because I'm not gay." Seto muttered, glancing back down at the paper. He didn't like how intensely she was staring at him.

"Whatever you say." She said after a few second of silence. With a shake of her head, she picked up her pencil and continued working on the problems.

Seto couldn't bear the silence any longer. "You're jealous too!" He exclaimed, quickly clamping his hands over his mouth as the room turned to look. It had been quiet before his outburst.

"Hey, mind your own business. Nothing to see here. Stop eavesdropping." Tilly shooed them away. Making sure no one else was listening, she turned towards the mortified Seto, raising an eyebrow. "Too? And yes, I am. Your boyfriend is hitting on my crush."

"I thought you said he was gay?" Seto asked meekly. He didn't know what else to say. It was very unlike him to be like this, but Taylor knew his weak points.

"And I thought she was too." Taylor sighed. "But whatever. Guess it was a phase for her." Then she frowned. "But, Brice... I swear... That boy has never glanced twice at a girl. I have no clue what's up with him."


Seto honestly had enough of his 'friends'. Tilly was being nosy, and Brice had become extremely aggravating. Adelina was his enemy at this point. He hated social interaction in general. He never should of let them sway him.

"So, so stupid." He buried his face into his hands, taking a deep breath. He was currently avoiding said social interaction by hiding out in the library. He thought he was alone... Until he heard that stupidly familiar giggle.

"Oh, you're so sweet, Bricey..."

What the actual fuck.

"It's just the truth, babygirl..."

Okay. Okay. Seto, don't you fucking dare.

He was ready to get up and leave when the softest of moans hit his ears. What the fuck. They were literally in a public library, and they were-

A quick peek through the bookcase revealed they were merely... kissing. 



"Brice," He hissed out, watching the two of them jump apart. Adelina looked incredibly nervous, her head snapping this way and that, while Brice just looked confused. "A word, please?"

"Seto? Where even are you?"

Oh, fuck it.

Seto's eyes flashed purple, and the entire room was saturated in a white light. Time had been frozen. Everything was still, except for Brice, who was rigid in shock.

 The Australian barely had time to recover before he was suddenly teleported. They were now at Brice's house, landing in his room. The house was eerily silent. Seto leaned back against the wall, staring at the blonde as he struggled to catch his breath. Teleportation was exhausting for mortals.

"Seto...? What's going o-" He was cut off as a fist connected with his jaw, sending his head snapping back. "What the fuck is your problem?!"

"What's MY problem?! What's your problem, you fucking deuce?!" Seto rolled out of the way as Brice lunged at him, sending a burst of magic his way. At the last second, he veered the spell off course, sending it crashing into the nightstand. As he went to stand, a hand closed around throat, lifting him easily off the ground. He was slammed so hard into the wall that he actually got dizzy, his vision going black for a few moments.

They were face to face now. Brice let go of his neck, only to grab him by the shirt collar and push him back against the wall. The sorcerer was pinned by the Australian's larger body, unable to struggle free. They glared at each other, breathing hard. Brice's gaze flickered down to his lips, only to shoot right back up to his eyes. It was quick and easy to miss, but enough to unnerve the brunette boy.

"Are you done?" Brice asked quietly. His grip on Seto loosened a bit as he stepped back, giving the teen a little bit of breathing room. "Why are you acting like this, Seto...? Tell me what's wrong."

"What's wrong? How about the fact that as soon as Miss fucking BabyGirl steps into your life, you completely forget about me and throw me to the side like I'm nothing?"

"I didn't think you cared... You never acted like it..." Brice mumbled. He lowered his gaze, opting to stare at Seto's collarbones so he didn't have to meet his eye.

"I don't care. But you're supposed to be my friend. Friends don't-Agh, I don't know, okay?! Put me down, dammit!" Planting both hands on Brice's cheer, he forcefully shoved the taller boy back. He rubbed at his neck, shooting him a death glare. "Just fuck off. I don't care."

"Why do you keep doing this, Seto?! You obviously do, because otherwise, you wouldn't do this shit! Is it fun for you or something?! Do you like stressing me out?"

"I don't know, Brice. Do you like wasting people's time by pretending to care, then throwing them in the trash?"

"What the fuck-that's what you do! Stop trying to turn this on me!"

"Then stop being so fucking stupid!" Seto went to shove Brice back again, only for the man's hands to close around his wrists. A light squeak fell involuntarily from his parted lips as he was pulled flush against Brice's body. He stared up at the glowering male, his mouth suddenly dry.

"You're so damn annoying, you know that? So fucking needy. Can't stand the idea of me paying attention to someone other than you." Brice grabbed his chin, giving Seto's head a light shake. The sorcerer flinched lightly, though it wasn't from fear. His breathing had become irregular and quick, his pupils blown out in something close to lust. 

"Does she make you jealous, Matthew? Does it make you mad that she gets to touch me? That she gets to kiss me? That she has me, in a way you never can... You can't fucking stand it. Even now..." He traced his finger along Seto's jawline, causing the boy to shudder. "Look at you." He leaned in close, causing their lips to lightly ghost against one another. "Jesus Christ, Seto..."

Seto's head was spinning. A soft whisper slipped out, barely audible by Brice's ears. "Please."

"Please what...? What do you want from me, Seto?" The blonde murmured. The blue of his eyes was stormy and dark, transforming him from the boyish teen into a dangerous predator. It was oddly intimidating, sending violent shivers down Seto's spine.



"Kiss me."

"As you wish." 

And with that, he was slammed back against the wall, his mouth forced open as a pair of lips crashed against his own.

(Shorter than my usual. So sorry this took so long, and it was kind of rushed. I didn't have much time for this chapter. However, I hope you all enjoy this.

Starting a discussion in the comments, btw. Feel free to join!)

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