Chapter Twelve

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Never completed - publishing anyways! xx (12/31/2020, probably written back in 2018)

Seto walked wordlessly through the halls, seeming to be preoccupied by his own thoughts, just as many other students were. However, unlike them, he was fully aware and coherent of everything going on around him. People were talking. Their voices were nothing more than hushed whispers, yet they were deafening in Seto's ears.

"Did you hear about what happened to Tyler...?" One girl whispered to her friend. "They found him dead in the bathroom... There wasn't even a wound! He was just bleeding from... everywhere." A chill went through her thin body. "Maybe it was some sort of disease. I don't know. But the pictures were terrifying."

"It sounds like it!" Her friend agreed, nodding enthusiastically. She glanced around quickly, as if checking who was listening, before leaning in close. "Apparently, Tyler went in, and that Seto boy came out. No one even saw Seto go in, which is the weirdest part... Apparently they're going to question him to see if he knows anything about this. He was closest to Tyler then, after all."

"Do you think..."

"Think Seto...? No! Of course not!" The girl shook her head. "He would never." She turned her head at the exact moment Seto passed by, catching his gaze. Her eyes went huge, and she quickly looked away, her heart pounding in her chest. She'd never been so thankful. She'd said the right thing. In the circumstance that he did kill Tyler, the wrong words from her could end in her own downfall.

(and that's the end of Elle & I's joint writing. now, it's just me. try to find the difference lmao.)

Seto just shook his head, letting out a sound that could almost pass as a harsher breath; though it was clearly meant to be a sigh. He readjusted his grip on his bag by slinging it over his other shoulder

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2020 ⏰

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